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Posts posted by missgiggles

  1. Right so their deadline was today and no reply to rejection letter, so I guess now its onto court proceedings?


    Can anyone just run me through it please to make sure I've got everything sorted?


    Thanks guys



  2. Hi Guys


    I sent my rejection letter off last week and they have until Tueasday to reply, not holding out any hope of a payout, even though its only a matter of an extra £70!!! Tight fisted £$"&



  3. Recieved a letter in post today from Natwest offering £301 as a full and final settlement!!

    Can't believe they caved so quickley, although I'm assuming its because its such a small amount?

    Of course I am not accepting it, I know its only a case of £60 but every little bit helps!!

    So am I right in thinking I need to send a 'rejection letter' ?

  4. Hi Everyone


    Sorry haven't been posting recently, found out I'm being made redundant so had all manner of stuff to sort out.


    Hopefully going to get back on track with my claim now tho.


    I have all my statements and have added them up (£350) I'm trying to do my spreadsheet, and remember doing one in Google? However I can't find it now, can anyone point me in the right direction please?


    Thanks guys

  5. Thanks a lot muggins!!

    I've got it all sorted!!

    Going to sent the prelim letter off tomorrow!

    Getting nervous now, but going tp press ahead with it, I could really do with that money!!


    Just so I've got this right, i give them 14 days to reply to the prelim letter?

  6. Can anyone help me?


    I have added up all my charges and it comes to £350 (not a lot compared to some people I know, but It's a lot to me!!)


    Into Primlim letter it says


    I calculate that you have taken £XXXXX plus £XXX which you have charged me in overdraft interest for the sum which you have taken. Total £XXXXX .

    I enclose a schedule of the charges which I am claiming with this letter

    So do I add up all the interest I've been charged on my account every month to?

  7. Came home from work today to find the 'brown, tatty envelope' everyone goes on about!!


    opened it to find all my bank statements!! YIPPEE


    Just so I'm sure


    You add up all the charges for going overdrawn?

    And the interest charged on your account?


    Is that right?

  8. Hi Jodie


    I've been reading your thread, and I really admire you.

    I gave birth last year and know how stressful it can be, without taking a bank to court!!!


    I am currently waiting for the bank to send my 6 years worth of statements.


    I can't believe there're shutting your account down!! They're more than happy to take out money and get us into debt but when we retaliate they do that!! Where's the justice!!

    It's made me seriously consider setting up a 'back-up' account in case they do the same to me!!


    Good luck chick, just think of all the money you'll have to spoil the new arrival, maybe consider treating your-self to a nice massage when it's all over!!



  9. Hi everyone


    STILL no reply regarding my statement request!!!


    Their time is up on 20th Jan, should I wait until the full 40 days is up or can I send a

    'what the hell are you playing at' letter before then?




  10. HI


    Hope everyone had a good Xmas, I've eaten way too much and spent way way too much in the sales!!!


    Still no reply from Natwest regarding my statements.


    Has anyone had to wait the full 40 days?


    Happy New Year everyone!!



  11. Well still no reply from Natwest, I'm not expecting one now till the new year.


    I've been visiting the site everyday, especially that Natwest thread to get inspiration from other members.


    I'm looking forward to fighting Natwest all the way, and once I win my case I'm gonna start on my mum's!!


    Merry Christmas everyone!!!



  12. Can't believe it!! The postmans been this morning with my bank statement and guess what??????????


    After a whole year of no bank charges I went £2.31 overdrawn and they've charged me £28!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


    Where's the justice and more importantly the Christmas sprit!!!!!


    I'LL SHOW THEM!!!!:-x

  13. Hi everyone!!


    I stumbled across this site today, and have to say how impressed I am!!


    I had NO idea that I could claim bank charges back (and I've had my fair share of them!!!)


    I have a current account with Natwest and although my overdraft is now £0 (I worked my ass off to clear it!!) I spent about 3 years living in it. Can I claim even though it has been £0 for the past year?


    If I were to get any money back it would be really handy as I've recently had a bambino!


    Have just printed off my 'Statement request' letter and I'm planning to send it first thing tomorrow!!


    Wish me luck



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