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Posts posted by Danjock

  1. In my case the guarantor was supposed to recieve a copy but never did.

    We got sent the agreements then had to send them off,I then recieved a copy of the agreement which was,quite frankly unreadable and I will post here as soon as I can.

    However my guarantor did not recieve anything,they have hounded my guarantor for payments that have clearly been made,I will put my statement up here which clearly shows I have made 38 payments when the agreement was 36.

    And now the have bullied my guarantor into paying a further £700 which he made because FLM threatened with court action.

    All payments were made within the 36 months agreed and during this time I have been phoned up to 10 times a day,two of these calls were made to my work phone where they left a message telling everyone my business,I still have this call on answerphone.

    I never gave permission to use this number but they obtained it when I called them off it once and it must have shown on there system so they saved it.

    However after over a year of insisting they do not use this number and to use my mobile number instead they continued to call my works number up to 5 times a day.

    Even my manager who owns the phoneline asked them to stop but they didn,t and they STILL want another £200 off me!!!!!.

    If i,m in the wrong please do let me know but somehow I feel I am not.





  2. Well thank you for that eye opening account but the fact remains that your company has broken numerous procedures that are put into place for a reason,are you defending the fact that FLM contacted my work and left numerous messages on the answer phone,even when my manager ......that would be the person who owns the line personally told them to stop calling yet they continued to call,this is a breach of the Tele communications act is it not????.

    Also I contacted your company to ask if I could pay by a dfferent method and they ADVISED that I pay by giro which is why I am paying this way,yet they refused,as they have again this month to send them,I have not missed a single payment so do you really think you have a leg to stand on when it goes to court???.

    I have all the paper work,all recipts of payment and all the threatening letters thay your company sent me,for what???I have made every single payment and your company defaults my account for what reason???.

    I,ll see them in court.

  3. I currently have a loan with FLM and need some advise on how to go about things.I pay monthly by bank giro slip which the company said they would send me every month,it used to be done by direct debit but i stopped this because they were taking payments early.

    However they failed to send the first giro slip on time resulting in late payment which I was charged for and this happens almost every month.

    Then last month they rang me to say they had not recieved payment which I had a recipt for,I faxed it to them but they insisted that it was not paid and sent me a default notice,they also rang my work number which they must have obtained after I had used the work phone to contact them,but I never gave them permission to call me on this number,my manager told them to stop calling but they continued even leaving messages on the answer phone which other staff heard.

    Then they rang to say that they had found the payment but refused to drop the charges on my account.

    I have not missed a single payment,there have been late ones but this is due to the above so surely they have broken procedures.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

  4. Hi all,not sure why I am posting here but I am new to the site and still finding my feet,I have a loan with a company called FLM loans who,I believe are something to do with Advantage loans. I have a bad credit rating so this loan was a high rate,paying back monthly by bank giro slip.

    They said that they would send me slips every month so that I could make payment on time.It was coming out by direct debit but,due to them taking payment early on a number of occasions I changed this.However they failed to send me Giro slips on time resulting in late payment which I was charged for,then they rang me saying that I had missed a payment which I had a recipt for,I faxed it to them,and posted them a photo copy but they continued calling,however they were calling my works number which they had obtained when I used the works phone to call them,my manager asked them to stop but they continued and left messages about my loan which other members of staff heard,these are still stored on the answer phone. They sent me a default notice,threatening me with court action,ringing me before 8 am a numerous occasions then revealed that they had found the payment,no apology and they refused to drop the extra charges,my late payments were only late because they failed to send me the giro slips on time,the fact that I could go in the bank and use one of there slips is irrelevant because I still needed the account number and sort code for the company. Any advise would be very welcome



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