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Posts posted by RichH6109

  1. yep normal for three quotes.

    Surprised they have not just taken it from your cerdit card already!

    Did you not consider paying the extra insurance to cover the excess?


    I was not offered any extra insurance cover. The excess wasn't taken from my credit card as they never asked for it up front, they asked for it after the incident. Safe in the knowledge that they would bill me the full amount immediately and leave me to dispute the difference, I refused to hand it over and left the ball in their court. I presume they will attempt take action based on my contact details and driving licence.

  2. Hi,


    I recently hired a car for use in the UK for two days where I caused some minor damage by scratching the front wheel arch against a wall. The car had an excess of £450 and I believe the damage I caused was repairable at around £200 (labour and respray) which has since been confirmed by local garages close to me that have seen photo evidence of the damage. The hire car company have tried to force me to accept repairs over £600 (thereby taking up all of the excess). They say that they have to get only one other quote of *their* choosing and I do not have any say in who the quote comes from.


    I have refused to pay the outstanding amount and have left the insurance company to take it up with me directly, outside of the pressured environment of the car hire office. Do I have any recourse with unreasonable quotes? The original quote came from a garage with a direct relationship with the car hire company so it was obviously in their interest to take up the full excess.

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