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Posts posted by cherry11

  1. Hi all, I'm new to this site, not sure if this is the right forum. I asked JD Williams catalogue if I could pay token payments of £5 per month as I am now on benefits my balance owing is £604 and repayments were £52 per month. They have agreed to accept the £5 per month no problem but today I recieved a statement from them and they have charged me a whopping £60 arrangement fee for the privalige of making the arrangements of token payments even though they know I'm on benefits. They did tell me over the phone that there would be a 'small charge' for this service but £60 is ridiculous! I've read through all the FAQ's on this site but I must admit I find it all a bit overwhelming and I don't know where to start. Is there anything I can do about this £60 fee? I am continuing to pay the £5 a month but it's all I can afford as I have three credit cards and several other catalogues to pay off as well.

  2. Thanks for the replies...I shall go look at those links. Yes Claire....I am paying a small amount to all creditors I owe money to on a pro-rata basis even the ones I haven't made arrangements with (they keep calling me at unsociable times like Sunday evenings...yet when I call them no answer only some pretty music to listen to) some advised me to carry n paying others said don't but i am anyway and am waiting for statements from all so i can see what the charges are...thanks a lot.:)

  3. Hi just found this great forum, have been reading through the FAQ's it's all a bit overwhelming, not sure where to start. Lost my job, now on benefits and after looking at all my outgoings I've worked out what I can afford to pay one catalogue and 3 credit cards...capital one and Vanquis ring me every day, I say I'm taking legal advice right now can they call back another time. I offered the Choice catalogue payments of £5 monthly I owe £477 with a few charges, I've requested all my statements, asked them to refund charges, they won't also they won't accept my £5 a month and have told me to stop paying them and I'm being passed to debt collection agency, is there anything else I can do, I'm not very sure of myself. Thanks a lot

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