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Posts posted by camartist

  1. thought they had gone away!!!! got letter this morning saying if we dont pay they will take us to court and we will get added costs ,bad rating etc should i send off another letter the same as last one saying debt is stature barred again or are they just playing games with us ,my husband is starting to get worried again and hes due back in hospital soon.any help would be appreciated thanku all

  2. this is probaly small fry to everyone but i would really apreciate your help, we are due to be charged £35.00 for a direct debit of £10.40p.we diddnt have enough in so they say because it was 40p over the 10.00 they are going to take the charge,£35.00 for 40p this is due to be took on the 1st of december.Do i let them take it ,what i cant afford at this time,and then write a letter or should i phone them . the only thing is, im not sure what to say and they ll probaly fob me off.any advice please:confused:

  3. any help on this matter would ease our worries,just over seven years ago my husband was working we got goods from scottish power,he left job through illness,in lot of debt ,sent letters to pay small sums monthly.first national tricity finance agreed £10 a month, the last payment i gave them,and i have all documents was Dec 99. We moved house never heard a thing till Oct this year, Buchanan&Wells sent a formal demand saying they were acting for Aktiv Kapital . We denied it they kept phoning threatening legal action,they sent final notice, by chance i saw this site and read about statute barred the last payment made was over 6 years 10 months ago, i printed out the letter sent it recorded delivery, they phoned again we said we sent letter they acted coy,as if they hadnt recieved it,said they would take action. they phoned again my husband said they were harassing us.they havent contacted any more. we dont know what they can do. they never mentioned ccjs we never had one that we know.would we have one? because we moved would we know? this is worrying my husband a lot.wouldnt they have said on phone? Please help if you can :sad:

  4. can anyone help with some advice please, we bank with lloyds, and a direct debt of £10.40 was due out we only had about £2.80 in so they refused it saying we would be £8 something overdrawn. i didnt think we would get charged with it being under £10 but no they said the direct debit was 40p over so they are charging me £35.00 to be taken out on the 1st dec. Can i send a letter saying im not happy? your help would be very welcome:)

  5. :) just wanted to say hello,:) found this site by chance,really glad i did,its brilliant,found out lots of info


    i wouldnt have had a clue about,thanku all very much.:)

    got a question please if anyone can help,just been contacted about a old debt its 6 years 10 month old we had moved and had no contact, sent letter about it being barred, they phoned acted coy saying what letter even though we recorded delivered it.we mentioned the debt was barred they said it wasnt saying they had tried to contact us.im certain we are in the right. all i am worried about is would we know if there was a ccj. even after we moved, i have all documents from over 6 years ago and no further contact was made or payment given. would nt they have mentioned a ccj as it would be in there favour wouldnt it? id be grateful for any help please.:)

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