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Mama Bear

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Posts posted by Mama Bear

  1. ooohh.... did i win???

    YEAH!!!! never won anything like this before!

    however i bet you guys are claiming significantly more than me, so i'll let you off!!!

    congrats all round though (tori, yours is on hold till you get back, then we shall congratulate you too!!)

  2. its as if they can hear me! just got confirmation that the money has been paid in, checked my bank, and voila! there it is!

    see... the power of positive thinking!!!!


    ok mod guys, you can move this post to the **WON**pile now!




    ok, so i'll leave it a few days before starting #3! thats another £400!

  3. i know, its great!


    now that ive 'proved' that i am right to mum, who up until about six months ago thought that it was my fault (until they started charging her that is!) she wants me to help her with reclaiming her charges too!!! its only about £500, but every penny counts!


    lol so i guess i'll be doing yet another claim against barclays this time on behalf of mum! lol getting good at this now!

  4. Ive had my settlement too! (see my thread for details, but its all ok!)

    settled in full, and theyve agreed not to put anything on my credit file given that the reason my account has been in such a state for so long (i cancelled everything in or out of it in jan) has been because of this ongoing claim, and now its settled (or will be within 10 working days) they have agreed to reinstate my card/cheque book etc!


    keep fighting Tori!!!!

  5. ok, so they said that the refund of charges would be paid into my account within 10 days...still no show?? however, if i allow 10 WORKING days, this gives them til friday....

    last time though, the money was in with about three days?

    ah well, such is life i guess. its not like they can withdraw it once ive accepted it - or can they?

  6. have just had a phone call from barclays...spooky

    explained the situation, and they are absolutley fine! have agreed an extra overdraft limit so that this doesnt affect my credit rating, for two weeks, to cover the settlement payment being paid in, and then they will reinstate my card and everything, so that im back on track! and i just checked that there is no repercussions on my credit file, and he assured me that absolutely no action has been taken with regard to my credit file!!!! wahey!!

  7. hi everyone, just thought id let you know that I have received an offer from barclays for the full amount claimed! (just the charges not the interest too) which i have accepted.

    however, the day after i post the acceptance, i get a letter from them stating that due to the overdrawn position on my account,. they have cancelled my 'facilities' and closed my account!!!!


    what do I do???


    can anybody help!?!?

  8. ok...heres an update for those who are interested.....

    nothing has happened


    except, they have sent me loads of nasty letters regarding my overdraft, threatening to close my account unless i pay them the £767 it would nee to bring the balance back to zero.

    now two things spring to mind... one - they cant do that, its retaliatory...

    and two - i have told the people that keep ringing me about it repeatedly that as soon as they settle my claim and pay me what they owe me, i will pay off my overdraft. so its in both parties interests for them to pay me what they owe me.

    however, i get no response from the claims dept, and i keep getting nasty letters about my overdraft - even though ive cut my card up and shredded my chequebook - i havent had a single transaction through the account since january!


    is there anything i can do or should i just file with MCOL on payday??

  9. ok...so i have an update, finally!!!!

    received in the post this morning, an offer letter for £557 from RBS.

    fab - thats the amount i'm claiming from them!

    although, as soon as this claim is settled, i will be launching #3 (youd think that theyd learn not to keep charging me for stupid things, coz im just gonna claim it all back!!)

  10. is there anything in particular i should say to the ombudsman or just tell them the complete story? im really annoyed, because i have also told the debt collectors that they cannot pursue me for this amount as it is in dispute, however they keep sending me legal letters saying that they will send the bailiffs in - which i have told them that they cant do without a court judgement/order - see post #8 - but they keep threatening me all the same!

  11. ok, since the last note, i have sent them three more updated SOC's, and am waiting until the 30th when I will file with MCOL. you know, given that last time they were so punctual, this time ive had nothing but a letter saying we are sorry that you feel that the charges.....blah blah....we will look into it blah blah blah....

    thats it. nothing else.

  12. Hi Can anyone explain to me how the law / principle of Estoppel work in regards to overpayment of benefits? Two of my friends are in situations where they have received threatening letters from debt collectors stating that they are recovering overpayments of Houding Benefit and Tax Credits respectively...

    i was told (on here) that


    "The law of Estople quotes that if you recieve an overpayment and did not realise, and if to repay the money would put you in a worse financial position than if you never recieved the overpayment the amount does not have to be repayed".


    can anybody elaborate on this for me please???

  13. hi tori,

    IMHO just send them an updated SOC with a letter stating that further to the acknowledgement of your claim you enclose an up to date soc blah blah blah... as long as you let them know i cant see it being a problem.


    as far as i am aware you dont claim back the OD charges, unless unauthorised charges have put you in / over your OD.

    eg if you have a dd set up for your tv licence, and you take out some cash, and these two transactions put you into your OD, then you cant claim the OD charges back for the authorised OD.

    however, if your DD took you OVER your OD limit and they bounced it, charged you for bouncing it, and then charged you again because their charges took you further over your limit, then you can claim those charges back.


    this is how i understand it, and how i have been progressing with my claim(s), however, MODS / Admin, if i am wrong, please let me know!




    MB XX

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