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Posts posted by edwardburke1976

  1. We are probably typical of most of the members of this site and am sending the charges request letter in the morning.


    We have been with the halifax for about 7 years as a joint account ( my wife has been with then for about 15 years)


    We are just starting with the joint account before we do any other accounts after seeing how it goes.


    it goes back to about 6.5 years ago and a job loss which streched our finances as a young couple with a mortgage and a small baby. We had a mortgage with the Halifax as well and when i lost my job we used all the money we could to pay the interest payment on the mortgage so that we would not lose the house. After a couple of months we could not cope and payments got missed and charges started to be incured on the account.


    After about 6 months i got a new job and we started to get oureslves back into shape(Unknown to me until i was told by a member of the mortgage team at the halifax that i had payment protection but as i was back in employment i could not claim) but the charges just kept coming as they charge you twice once (28 pounds) for the letter telling you you've missed the payment and then another one at the end of the following month. So like probably many others you don't remember about the second charge and that is the one that throws dd's again and then the cycle just carries on for months and months and until i was earning enough to have a bit extra in the account and that the charges then stopped.


    Then after a house move and 2 more babies about 4 years later the same problem happens loss of Job etc but i had payment protection this time and claimed but there was an issue with the payment protection and we had a short fall every month during the claim. This obviously put a strain on the finances and again the cycle of chages started.


    Again after a number of months i got another job and things got back in shape. But obviously over the years with the number of failed direct debits.And so credit cards and loans paymnets had been missed and defaults filled against our credit. We have struggled to get our credit rating back on track and are currently with GE money as a mortgage company.


    We will keep you posted as to the developements in our claim.

  2. my wife was given a loan 3 years ago for 6000 but she had no income except for child benefit and taxcredits.

    she later increased it twice to an eventual total of 20000 with no questions about affordability but they did say there was no need for the ppi as she was not employed. Then i lost my job and we could not afford the payments she informed them of this and where very unresonable and offered her a lower payment but that was way over what we could afford. they where also continually charging her account and making it impossable to catch up and make payments as the loan was with the bank(HSBC) and they would not let us make a payment from another bank account.


    My wife therefor has a bad credit history.


    Any advice on what we could do about this situation would be great.



  3. About 5 years ago myself and my wife bought our first house ater about 1 year i lost my job and we had money troubles we went behind on all the usual payments but scraped together the mortgage payments for several months and this led to huge arrears with everything else.


    we ended up with serious arrears with credit cards, Next, mortgage etc.

    After getting a new job and seeing the c.a.b. I set out to pay everything back but at what I could afford. in the end the only way we could see out of this was to sell our house and use the money we made to clear everything. We did this and as I was discussing the situation with the Halifax (who would not help in the purchase of our second house due to the mortgage arrears and poor credit history) they told me that I had got mortgage protetion insurance for unemployment and that i would have been able to claim but it was too late.


    Had i known we had this covered i would have claimed and would not have had the poor credit history and been in-debt to credit cards etc.


    so we moved house and ended up with Kensington who charged the earth in Interest but they where the only ones that would give us a mortgage.


    i would like to know if there is a way of being able to claim from the Halifax for the 6-8 months of mortgage payments and also the subsiquent arrears and poor credit history and the fact that 3 years down the line we are almost back to where we where with a reasonable intrest rate and being able to buy things that we want because every penny has been going to pay the high interest mortgage.


    If there is anyone out there able to help,i would greatly appriciate the help and advice.



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