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Posts posted by SarahPearson

  1. No, my name's not on it ... she told me she'd put me on when I moved in but looks like she never did. As far as I'm aware, I pay half of the bills, but I'd never actually seen a bill to know what half of the bills were, until I found the electric bill ... Feel like such an idiot! But then I just didnt expect this from a friend.

  2. Thanks for your replies.


    My housemate is not aware that I know what's going on. What about if I ask her to sign a spreadsheet showing the money I have given her and what bills it is for? Would that save me from being responsible for 50% of the council tax? As what I've given her over the last 9 months includes half the council tax, aswell as half the bills and half the rent ...


    Thanks, S

  3. Hi ... I'm wondering if anyone could give me any advice. I moved in with a friend of mine 9 months ago, and we agreed that I would pay half the rent, council tax and utilities which was all fine. 2 months after I moved in my housemate became unemployed and starting claiming benefits, I continued to pay half of the rent, council tax and utilities.


    I found a couple of bills and statements the other day, and it seems that my housemate didnt notify the council when I moved in, and when she became unemployed, began claiming full housing benefit as if she lives alone. As far as I was aware, she was only claiming for half of the rent as that is all she was meant to be paying. I also found a letter from the electric company stating that they refunded her £170 a couple of months ago as she'd been overpaying, but she didnt mention this to me or give me my half.


    My name isn't on any of the bills, except the tv licence, as I transferred this over from my old house when I moved in as she didnt have one. I assumed she had let the council know and never checked with her as she's been my friend for 5 years and I trusted her.


    What on earth do I do? Will I be in trouble?


    Your help/guidance would be much appreciated.


    Many thanks



  4. I'm still waiting for my statements! Its now been 27 days since I requested them and 19 days since they charged me the £5.00 fee .... but yet still no statements :o( I have called them on numerous ocassions and each time am given contradictory information. What should I do? I know I should have gone the SAR way, but didnt as trusted the bank to give me good service ... pah! what a joke that is!


    I was wondering if anyone had any advice? I'm going to speak to the processing department today and surely I have some right to have received my info?

  5. This booklet makes no difference at all. The charges still remain unlawful as they don't reflect the true costs incurred by the bank. The charge has to be reflective upon that one transaction.


    Basically the charges are profit to the bank, and regardless of what they say, they are unlawful. They will never show a breakdown of the charges as they would have to refund all customers and imagine what that'd do to the fat cats. Right now, they're trying to protect themselves, which is understandable. They're hoping that more people will be put off. Don't give up, it doesn't matter how little they have taken, its the principal that the consumer has always been the loser, well now we have a chance to fight back!


    Anyway, rant over .... Good luck!!!

  6. Remember how I said they had to send out an authorisation letter before they could deduct the £5 charge for my statements ... well, logged into telephone banking yesterday and there was a £5 bank charge .... but I haven't received this "authorisation letter". So I spoke to a guy who told me my statements were sent out on 01/11/06 by first class mail?!


    What was the point in telling me there was a letter that I had to receive first eh? I would have said delaying tactics, but if they've already sent my statements, then I just have to assume they really don't know what they're doing!


    Still waiting on my statements to come through, as soon as I get them I'll update you!


    Its really great to see people getting they're money back .... it doesn't matter how difficult Halifax make it, we can't give up!

  7. I received a letter from Egg requesting me to complete an application form to gain access to my information. I have completed their application but also enclosed an SAR and the £10.00 fee. I have requested info on my Egg Card and also my Egg Loan ..... So here goes the 40 day wait then! :)

  8. Quick Update .... I received an email to say that they have sent me out a letter requesting some proof of ID before they can send out my statements. I guess thats just standard then as my account has closed? Nice that they have at least responded and not just ignored me though ... but hey there's plenty of time for that!

  9. I had the same thing with GE Capital for my Dorothy Perkins Account ... its been closed for 2 years. So I phoned them and gave them my info and said I needed some transaction information from before the account was closed (didn't say what tho) and the lady said the send a letter and quote my account number, which she then gave me! Not sure if she actually should have given it to me, but it makes my life a bit easier! I'm sure they'll want some ID and stuff before sending me anything out!


    Good luck and I'll keep you posted on what happens with my claim.



  10. You should read through the threads and FAQ's ... get familiar with the site and get hold of your statements ... you can request these through a link on this site (not sure where tho) or direct with your bank - I'm trying this at the moment, just have to see how long it takes! Then the arduous task of calculting all the chrages and interest debited. I've got a bit baffled with some of the stuff on the site but I think once I'm at a further stage I'll understand it a bit more.


    Anyway, let me know how you get on! Start your own thread in the section relevant to you and then people can keep track of what your doing and help.


    Good luck!




  11. I am thinking about claming charges from my Egg Account. From reading through the threads I get the impression its pretty difficult to get any refunds from Egg! Anyway, I had a credit card account with them a few years ago, I decided to ask about transferring the credit card balance into a loan (which I am still paying off). I've never had any charges on my Egg Loan, but I believe I had quite a few on my credit card. I understand that you need to have your account number in order to start the ball rolling and gain access to your charges and statements, but I'm not sure that I still have that information anywhere ..... could I just contact the company directly and request the information?


    I'm a bit worried about approaching Egg as they do seem to be very awkward.


    Anyway, any help would be greatly received.






  12. I am just starting out in gaining back the last 6 years of Halifax current account charges .... I thought I'd start by phoning my bank and requesting my statements for the last 6 years. The person I spoke to was very helpful and asked me if it was to check my charges ... I told her it was. I was then told that I would be sent an authorisation letter to begin with which I would have to wait to receive before they could arrange to send the statements, apparantly I have to authorise the £5 charge for the statements before they can send them? I asked if I could just verbally authorise it over the phone and was told "not until you receive the letter" ..... has anyone else had this, or is it a stalling technique?


    Good luck to everyone and I'll keep you informed of my (hopeful) progress ...




  13. Hi Everyone! .... I am taking on Halifax to regain my bank charges for the last 6 years. I only really found out about all of this recently and didn't think it would be possible to actually get anything back, but after reading about your cases ... I may have a chance! I have no idea what amount of charges I've had in the last 6 years and dread to think, but here goes .............. :D

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