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Posts posted by babyjaine

  1. Just an update.

    No surprise that I still have not received my settlement even though PQ assured me that the money would be in my account by Friday.

    Anyway, the week extension is up on Wednesday, I have just called Lit team and spoke to Greg Thomas (did call Dino's number), he was extremely friendly and has said that I should check my account regularly and that he will put a note on file about court date and urgency of settlement. I won't hold my breath just yet, I just hope that I do not have to go back to court.

    I will no doubt be back here asking for help on Wednesday morning when my money doesn't appear.

    Good luck to all in same boat,


  2. Hi,


    Can anyone please help, as advised by jbarton1 I asked the court for an extension, I had to attend and was really panicking. Anyway judge was great and as expected no-one turned up from Barclays. Judge gave me 1 week extension in light of fact that my settlement had not reached my account. PQ informed me that money would take 3 working days (that was tuesday), money is still not in my account. I am really angry and PQ is not answering my emails.

    What should I do if by next weeks court date the money is still not in my account? Any advise is extremely welcome!


  3. I have been in contact with the aforementioned Mr Quinn who, although taking an immeasureable amount of time to reply has done eventually. Can anyone offer me some advice. I have signed my doc to settle but did say that I do not agree to the conditions, my court date is tomorrow and I have just been advised that it will take 3 working days to transfer money. He also said that I have to advise court of settlement...My concern is that I will not get my money if I inform the court tomorrow. Am I obliged to do this now. Can anyone help?


  4. Thankx for reply enoughisenough, i will get my bundle sent off and wait to see what happens, I have also emailed Paul Quinn and all on Barclays list to find out where case is up to, Dino replied that my details are currently being verified with Customer Relations so I will hopefully have a favourable outcome sooner rather than later. I must admit my experience has been very positive- just somewhat long! Goodluck with your claim



  5. update on my claim - didn't realise I'd been out of loop for so long!

    anyway just received allocation questionnaire to fill in - I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel.


    Posted AQ and have now recieved my court date for 11 July, when should I contact Barclays to agree a settlement - or will they contact me first? Is there a specific number or person to contact? I have read a couple of threads and know that sooner or later I will recieve my full amount.

    Any help or advice would be very welcoming.



  6. Time is now up and I did not receive a reply to my letter rejecting their offer of a thousand pounds. Can anyone tell me what my next step is? I am searching through the instructions. Do I need to register with HMCS online or is there something else I have to do first. I am definately having a blonde moment!

    Thanks in advance

  7. Can anyone clear up a query for me?

    On the Request for payment letter, do you delete the interest rate info from the section entitled: What I require, as this interest amount is not included in the schedule.




  8. Good Luck Laineybelle with your next step. I agree totally...I definately will not accept anything but the full amount. I can't believe I have waited 'til now. Oh well better late than never.:-)


    Good luck and don't forget to post back when you hear anything.


    best wishes


  9. Hi, only just got organised enough to begin the process of claiming my charges back!:confused: I have to say I am totally Sh*****g myself.


    I have used the excel sheet to work out what I have been charged, is this the form I send with the letter to request charges (without the interest column)? I would appreciate any advice given as I want to do this right!!





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