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Posts posted by nicpicot

  1. Ji jeremy. Did you ever write a formal complaint to ebay or call them to see what is going on? I ask this because your info makes me think you havent yet, and are just thinking the worst. Ebay cant delist you simply on the words of another seller. They would need to investigate first.


    Ok ebay seem to be a law unto themselves. However the contract is normally between someone in uk and ebay in luxembourg. I am about to issue court proceedings against ebay sarl as I feel they have misled me and I want my money back. UI wish the uk government would take them to task as well. How can ebay pay no tax in the uk goods bought and sold here should create a tax liability on ebay should it not? They boast of millions of sales and turnover and pay no tax!?

  2. Barclays manager name removed in Harrow goes on holiday ( Feb 2013 ) after agreeing in writing and verbally she will transfer our money to our Nationwide account.


    What does she do? She hides the instruction letter in a desk drawer and transfers the money to my father!


    What can I say? What should I do?


    I have reported the lack of fiduciary duty to the Ombudsman and I guess we will have some thing to say in 8 weeks or so. A manager said sorry I want more than a sorry.


    I received a hamper from Barclays past chairman but the new one, Anthony Jenkins, seems to want to be an ostrich. I can see him but he cannnot see me I think. I have written to him again personally maybe he will reply I wonder.

  3. Call Credit Ltd list 4 bank accounts and write Barclays will not give permission to remove them.


    Barclays bank manager in Pinner after making appointment confirms the accounts do not exist in my name! He makes a phone call to his superiors who suggest I write to Knutsford the Barclays data centre. Good news!


    I then produce the Knutsford data which does not include the 4 accounts. I had received the Knutsford data a few days before going to see my manager.


    Why does the Barclays left hand not know what its right is doing?


    Why would the Barclays manager not give me a writyten report? Why would the manager not take copies and investigate? Is he lazy? Is he following corporate instructions? Does he know how to look after our money?

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