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Posts posted by Spooky3

  1. I received a letter from the catalogue company last week saturday (I've been ill so couldn't update this post sooner) stating they have cleared the debt and they apologised for the upset it has caused me. The letter stated as a gesture of goodwill they have enclosed a cheque for £26.92 this being the amount they forced me to pay for the goods I didn't recieve. But guess what the cheque was not enclosed. I didn't bother to contact them about this to be honest I am not surprised the cheque was not enclosed I mean this is the company that failed to enclose two items in my parcel hence the begining of the horrid experiecne. I am just grateful to now have in my possession letters from the catalogue company and the dca stating that the debt is cleared and my file is closed. My mother like me thought leave the cheque issue alone and just be glad to get rid of them but my sister thinks I should contact them about the cheque.


    Thank you all for your wonderful advice if that cheque does turn up I will gladly donate it to this site. I have recommended this site to many people and when I am in a position to make a donation I will.


    Once again thanks to you all and I now have this site saved in my favourites.

  2. Hi All


    Well today I received a letter from the DCA stating the following


    "We refer to recent correspondence in this matter.

    Please note that we have been instructed to take no further action against you and have therefore closed our file"


    Can someone who is familiar with all this please confirm that this is the end of the whole sordid matter. I don't want to get exicted only to find out its a con. I sent a recorded letter to the catalogue company and pleaded with them to erase the debt I am hoping they have done this which is why i have now received a letter from the dca stating my file is closed.

  3. Hi Dayglo


    I sent my recorded letter to the catalogue company stating I am disputing the debt. I also asked for them to show some consideration and compassion and erase/remove the debt. I kind of worded it formally to show it seems its my word against theirs that I didn't receive the goods in the package but as a customer of over 10 years why should i lie about something like this. I was talking to a the lady that delivers my library books and she said she had a debt removed where she pleaded with them to show some compassion so lets see if it works for me. I also sent a recorded letter to the DCA telling them I am disputing the debt with the catalogue company so no action should be taken while the dispute exist.


    I will let you know of any replies I receive.

  4. Dayglo


    Yes I believe that is the case because I immediately informed them of items missing from the package and they did a investigation and came back to me stating they have proof I received the package and I replied back immediately saying I did not say I didn't receive the package I said two items were not in the package. Thats when I didn't hear from them again until I chased it up although it was a long time after like I said when I realised they never did credit me for these goods. But they are aware this sometimes happens because during my 10year plus with them it happened before and they credited me for the goods with no problem. Although I have no written proof of this anymore. In regards to your comments on the packing slip, you are correct you don't know if you have all the goods until you open the package which contains the delivery note as well.


    In all their correspondents to me they have never said its my word against theirs. Their only arguement was I left it to long to get back to them and I asked for copies of their terms and conditions which stated a time factor several times and they never sent it to me.


    hopefully my recorded delivery letters should go out tomorrow. Thank you for bearing with me on this I really appreciate it.

  5. If I have to go to court I will as this needs to stop now, I am more annoyed at the inconvience it will cause me getting to and from court due to my mobility problems and that it has got to this stage. I've still got my recorded letter to post I want them to go out this week its taken me so long because I have been feeling so poorly. If it went to court do you think I have a strong case?

  6. Hi All


    Its funny how differently we all think. I searched for this title thread because I just joined yesterday and posted a thread about a debt that has been going on for over 5 years. I have received replies that have been very helpful and after reading those replies and some of the information on this site my initial reaction was as follows. I want my dca harrassement to stop as I do not owe any money and when I am successful due to the advice from members on this site I want to make a personal donation regardless of how little or large it may be. If tomorrow I was awarded compensation for all the suffering I have had to bear due to dca I would donate to this site without a second thought.


    If an acknowledge of thanks didn't come to me I wouldn't care because I know that the time to send me a personal thank you, is time that could be spent helping another person on this site. For the first time in 5 years I feel that I will conquer and remove these dca completely just by finding this site.


    btw look out for my thread in the welcome section all advice is appreciated.


    Mike I want to say thanks to you because of your donation this site is still running and someone like myself will benefit from it so thanks alot.

  7. I watched tis last nite & found it very eye opening as i work for the loca MBC & we all recieved an email this morning to advise that the contract which had been taken out with Drakes for recovery of council tax & parking fines had been cancelled following the bbc programme.:o


    That is good news unfortunately the new company they choose is highly at risk of being just as criminal in their behaviour from what I have read on forums like this it is a widespread amongst all dca.


    I hope all mps are bombarded with letters of complaint

  8. Dayglo, Rooster-UK and Martin3030


    Thank you all for replying to me you don't know how pleasing it is to have someone listen to me and offer help.


    Its going to take me some time to look at all the links you have provided so bear with me.


    Let me point out that all correspondents I have received are in letter format I have never and will never provide them with my telephone number. This is how I manage to catch the lady out in 2003 when she said they have called me on numerous occassion I never even had a phone then. So they haven't been harrassing me by phone they just keep harrassing me by sending letters saying I have to pay.


    Everytime a new debt collection agency writes to me I sent them a briefing of the issue more detailed than what I wrote above but it was not by recorded delivery Wescot was the only one that acknowledge my letter/fax and replied to it. Now the latest being Fredrickson International I sent on Friday 22nd Sept and today (28th Sept) I receive a notice of intent to issue court proceedings stating payment is due on 6 Oct 2006.


    I notice you all state I should be sending record delivery although its difficult for me I will have to find someone to do this for me due to my disability because I really want this matter to go away now.


    So just to clarify the first thing I need to do is send a letter to the catalogue company (I have done this many times in the past I have copies) but send it recorded delivery.


    Every person I have written to on this matter I have stated I dispute this debt you know I even wrote to watchdog about it thats how much I was furious about this.


    I will start a letter to the catalogue company, if you have any advice on what I should say or how to compose it I am open to suggestions.


    I have to say way back when I wrote to Wescot stating I dispute this debt they wrote me a letter saying they act in good faith and will contact the catalogue company. What was upsetting is they eventually wrote back to me stating they have been intouch with the catalogue company who provided them with a breakdown of my account from when the missing items took place. The catalogue company is stating that there was a period of time that my account was zero and then I ordered more clothes so to then turn to them and say they owe me credit is inappropriate as my account reached zero at one time. I found this excuse lame because my initial letter to them started that going through my account I noticed that credit was never issued to me. I even asked them to send me copies of their terms and conditions stating this rule and they never did. So there next excuse was I took too long to alert them to this so I replied back stating its not my fault you didn't follow your credit procedure through effectively and on time so why should I suffer I also added if you can provide a detailed breakdown of my account (which they did at some point through this whole mess) that means you still have record of this transaction so you could have provided credit.


    Till this day I have the copy of my account breakdown that wescot sent me and you can clearly see all the dates where admin charges have been placed on my account its sickening.


    I know I have waffled on so I await any more advice you guys have to offer me and once again thank you all who have responded.

  9. Rambo


    I heard my bin men talking about the show last night seems most people watched it and I hate to say it but your not far off because I heard one say after watching that show now if the baliffs turned up he would rather go down for gbh than let them get away with their dirty tactics. I am vunerable being disabled with mobility problems and the show made me feel worst thinking they would really abuse my situation but until I read your comments and heard what one of the bin men said it seems the flip side of the coin is some may fight back physically given the chance.


    I read the daily mail online about the story and read the comments that people made and out of 15 nearly all said the same thing they have no faith that regualtion would be put in place to protect the public. So if that is the general thoughts of the public who knows what will happen in the future. The day I hear these baliffs and their companies are taken down I will do back flips and I am disabled but will find a way out of sheer enjoyment. Also lets not forget the nasty people in the call centres they need their comeuppence as well.

  10. Maggie


    I don't have any advice to give you as I just joined today myself seeking advice. I saw your title "wescot and came to have a look". I really feel for you like myself I am sick and I suffer badly with nerves and depression and everytime I get a letter from Wescot it sent me further into depression they have now passed me onto Fredrickson International Ltd funny I haven't seen their name mention on this forum. Like you my problem started with Fashion World it has been going on for 5 years. After watching Whistleblower last night on baliffs I feared the worst but reading some of these advice bless these people on this forum. I have been reading this forum for over an hour now and can honestly say I feel mentally stronger knowing there are ways to beat the bullies. Anyway hope your feeling better Maggie and believe me I know exactly how you been feeling.

  11. Hi All


    I would really appreciate some good advice so heres my story summerised


    Been with my catalogue for over 10 years no problem until I received a package with some goods missing in 2001


    Alerted my catalogue and filled in the forms asap that they sent me, they did a investigation and came back to me with proof I received the package. I immediately replied saying I didn't state package didn't come I stated two items total of £26+ was missing from the package so I need credit for this amount


    Anyway went through long sick spell shortly after had to stop work because of health and other personal issues etc. One day I was going through my accounts and noticed they never gave me credit for these goods or even got back to me and I know they got my correspondent because they wrote to me twice stating they have proof I received the package and I replied back to both correspondents.


    This is where the battle began I have written loads of letters to the catalogue and even posted on their website. They do not dispute or offer any explanation as to why they didn't deal with this. One reply said I left it too long to bring it to their attention and I replied back no I alerted you immediately it was you that failed to do your job and rectify it. I tried to fight it and all their responses were unacceptable so I said I want my account closed and they need to erase this money they owe me. I paid of my account less the amount owed.


    They placed loads of admin cost on to this amount immediately which I argued and said it is rude of them to do this because they should be looking into why they didn't deal with my missing items at the time.


    By now it was over £60 and they passed me onto their internat dept collection departmentn and I kept arguing. They sent me a letter in Nov 2003 (yes it has been going on for two years) stating as a gesture of goodwill I can pay the amount of £26+ within 14 days of the date on the letter or it will be sent to baliffs. Guess what they did they posted the letter to me 12 days after the date it was written and the VERY NEXT DAY IN THE POST was a letter from their baliffs dept the cost had gone up to over £91.


    A concerning neighbour arranged for me to be collected and taken to an internet/phone cafe because of my disability where I phoned the internal dept department. I tried to explain things to the lady on the phone and she was rude and said but we called you many time to sort this out. I told her that is impossible considering I do not have a phone and haven't had one in over 2 years and I am calling her from a internet cafe. She went quiet and couldn't answer that and said you need to pay I said no way and especially not £91+. I also pointed out that this was passed onto debt section before 14days were up. She told me to get rid of the problem by paying the £26+.


    As much as it pained me to pay for goods I didn't receive I told her I will work out from my tight budget how I can pay this off. At first I told her 50p a week and she said no way thats not good enough I said I need to recalculate to see if I can send more. Right there and then from the internet cafe I sent a fax stating my friend is sending a cheque for £6+ in the post that same day and £10 xmas money govt gives people on benefits in Dec I will send and final £10 will be second week in Jan when I get my next payment.


    I did exactly what I said I would do and by 2nd week Jan 04 I thought that was the end of it. Then July 2004 I receive a letter saying account is still outstanding over £151. I wrote again to the catalogues Managing Director with copies of all my letters and briefing them on the whole issue and guess what they wrote back saying they are giving me a one off opportunity to settle the debt by paying 50% at this time it was over £160


    If I struggled to pay £26+ which I only did to rid myself of the consent harrassment how could I even comtemplate paying £80 I wrote them back stating after all I have written and explained to them about the situation my finances and health suffering because of this to offer a 50% reduction they are toying with my life and health.


    They passed me onto Wescot Credit Services I told them the same story and said I can't pay and furthermore feel its an outrageous injustice. Wescot was quiet for over a year and now they have passed me onto Fredrickson International Limited its now over £180 who have written me a letter saying they are going to issue proceeding for the county court which will take it to over £260 and baliffs will come and seize goods.


    These are all added cost because as mentioned above I paid the £26+. I know £26+ it may not sound like a lot but it was the principle would you throw £26+ down the drain, well thats how I viewed it because I do not have the items of clothing. This has been going on since 2001 and after watching whistleblower baliffs last night the threat of baliffs coming to my door is worrying for me because they all seems like thugs. I am disabled and I heard their views on how they treat the disabled on the programme and I just want to know how I can make this problem go away.


    Can anyone offer some advice I am housebound and have mobility problems so any online advice will be appreciated.

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