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Posts posted by ADAMANDNICOLA

  1. i think i got some type of test post .

    can anyone one with my queries below???


    My partner has wrote the majority of these threads and whilst he is a little more omtimistic and ready for a fight i must admit im now petrified.


    I have just opened two letters that acknowledgement of service has been filled and and that Halifax do intend to defend both our claims( worry worry)These were both acknowledged on the 6th of november and states that the halifax intend to Defend all of this claim.. signed MR Obrian defendants soliciter, head of legal services...


    I take it we will defently now be going to court??


    i thought we would have had aletter from the halifax stating they wish to defend but nothing yet. will we recieve one or will it all go through money claim ....


    Does this mean we will be going to court in Northampton in 28 days time or will a new court date get set , but we will still have to go to northampton??


    when will we hear how they will intend to defend???


    im really worried now and my partner is away for a few days, so youre help is very welcome..


    any links on court procedures/small claims procedures etc




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  2. My partner has wrote the majority of these threads and whilst he is a little more omtimistic and ready for a fight i must admit im now petrified.


    I have just opened two letters that acknowledgement of service has been filled and and that Halifax do intend to defend both our claims( worry worry)These were both acknowledged on the 6th of november and states that the halifax intend to Defend all of this claim.. signed MR Obrian defendants soliciter, head of legal services...


    I take it we will defently now be going to court??


    i thought we would have had aletter from the halifax stating they wish to defend but nothing yet. will we recieve one or will it all go through money claim ....


    Does this mean we will be going to court in Northampton in 28 days time or will a new court date get set , but we will still have to go to northampton??


    when will we hear how they will intend to defend???


    im really worried now and my partner is away for a few days, so youre help is very welcome..


    any links on court procedures/small claims procedures etc




  3. Evening guys and girls.


    finally the timescales passed,and we issued the Mcol's today for all our accounts.I really thought this process would be so hard, but with the guidence from this site and all you users its actually reletivly straight forward...


    Now to the buisness end of things>>>>

    i must admit we was originally scared of this next step but all the reading and advise has givein us the push to rightfully re-claim what is ours.... and we are now ready!!! They pushed us into a posotion where we had to make major changes to our lives and after nearly a year, we now know that should these charges never have been levied, we would not have had to go through the upheavel we have been through..

    BUT..... we are now stronger and will fight and prove we are right.....


    so for now we await there response..

  4. Hello


    Just recieved letters floowing our LBA letter and basically reject all our coresepondance.

    they reads as follows, but are all the same word for word all form the same woman.


    "as a gesture of good will we offfered you £887,£385 and £1375(over three accounts) which you do not wish to accept. i confirm that we will not refund all charges you have ocurred on your account sinse it was opened.Imust also stress that future charges will stand and we reserve the right to close your account if you do not manage it correctly.

    If you remain unhappy you can refer your concerns to the financial ombudsman service as outlined in our previous letter."

    Help now required as we are getting worried.

    1)should we accept there original offers ?? if they will give this to us?

    2)do we contact the financial ombudsman.

    3)do we issue the Mcol Or N1...

    really worried that we have messed up now......

    youre replies would be much appreciated...

    to cas 1612..

    sorry im not sure what to say , but good luck with youre battle

  5. hello


    just sent in our LBA, and included a settlement rejection letter with this

    advising that we are giving them a further 14 days to repay the full amount or we will before taking them to court to pursue the remainder


    I have been Reading as much as possible, but still not sure how to go about issuing the MCOL. can any one advise where to get the next letter template

    and how with register the claim......


    any assistance would be much appreciated.





  6. thanks for your response and links


    we are Still a little unsure as how to procede next...???


    do we send the settlement rejection letter tommorow,thank them for the offer and say we will take this as part payment but give them untill our original 14 days notcice to pay the full amount.(Before we issue the LBA


    or do we wait to issue the LBA in around ten days time..


    or do we issue both,, but give a new response date before LBA is sent


    the banks seems to have jumped a step and we are a little confused>


    youre response would be much apprecited..also do you have info on the donation side of things ???

  7. can you believe it!!!!, a offer on two accounts have just arrived after only 4 days,but it all seems a bit fast compared to other peoples struggles..

    heres how it has gone so far.....


    Tuesday 03.10.06 sent preliminary approach for payment total £4956 over three accounts.


    Thursday 05.10.06 received confirmation they have received our request and will investigate and will respond within 40 days.....


    Saturday 07.10.06 received two offers on two accounts,both as a gesture of goodwill for 6 months worth of charges, one for £1375.00 and one for £887.00

    so total amount £2257.00 with the following conditions.


    "these charges have been offered as a full and final settlement of your complaint"


    "you have also requested information on how we calculate our costs.we are not obliged under the data protection act to supply this information as it is commercially sensitive,so cannot comply with your request."


    "If you remain unhappy with your concerns please contact the financial ombudsman service"


    "to accept our offer please sign and return the enclosed acceptance form"...


    Help!!!!! what do we do know ...


    I cannot believe they have made these offers after only a couple of days, and whilst these are pretty generous, they only account for approx 45-50% of the charges made to our acounts....


    Do we accept the offer, with the possibility of not receiving another improved offer?????


    Or do we wait till our mentioned deadline in our fist letter and issue the LBA, acknowledging the offers made but demanding the full amount within a further 14 days.?????


    please any advise will be much aprreciated......


    thanks Adam and nic

  8. can you believe it!!!!, a offer on two accounts have just arrived after only 4 days,but it all seems a bit fast compared to other peoples struggles..

    heres how it has gone so far.....


    Tuesday 03.10.06 sent preliminary approach for payment total £4956 over three accounts.


    Thursday 05.10.06 received confirmation they have received our request and will investigate and will respond within 40 days.....


    Saturday 07.10.06 received two offers on two accounts,both as a gesture of goodwill for 6 months worth of charges, one for £1375.00 and one for £887.00

    so total amount £2257.00 with the following conditions.

    "these charges have been offered as a full and final settlement of your complaint"


    "you have also requested information on how we calculate our costs.we are not obliged under the data protection act to supply this information as it is commercially sensitive,so cannot comply with your request."


    "If you remain unhappy with your concerns please contact the financial ombudsman service"


    "to accept our offer please sign and return the enclosed acceptance form"...


    Help!!!!! what do we do know ...


    I cannot believe they have made these offers after only a couple of days, and whilst these are pretty generous, they only account for approx 45-50% of the charges made to our acounts....


    Do we accept the offer, with the possibility of not receiving another improved offer?????

    Or do we wait till our mentioned deadline in our fist letter and issue the LBA, acknowledging the offers made but demanding the full amount within a further 14 days.?????

    please any advise will be much aprreciated......


    thanks Adam and nic

  9. hi uk...


    thanks your speedy reply and wise words.

    The charges were all made over a 2 year period, some months over £500 across the accounts, but not many charges on credit cards. Thats another battle for a later date. Looking at the over draft limits and exceeding dates there wont be that much interest to reclaim, unless I'm adding it up on the template wrong.


    you're advise on separating is much appreciated...

    let you know which way we go



  10. hello all.


    we have just received our statements with relatively little fuss, and finally began our quest to seeing exactly how much charges they have taken over the three accounts..

    unbelievably from august 11 2002 there is a total of £5360 pounds!!!. This does not even include any interest at this stage .


    could you please help with my queries as i wish to post the preliminary approach for payment letter but need a few things clarifying.


    1) i read earlier that should our request for a full refund of charges end up in the small claims court court - we will have to cap OUR CLAIM below £5000 pound as this will exceed the recommended levels.


    so to avoid either very expensive court costs,(should this happen) would anyone be able to advise if we set our settlement request below the £5k amount or go for the full amount.


    2)should this go to court should we also make sure the potential interest and charges are included and below the £5k figure.


    This is starting to get interesting,but cannot afford to pay major court costs for the additional £360. also Any advise on the law on small claims would be very useful.


    many thanks and hope all you're claims are going well.


  11. hello everyone.


    we have just registered with this site after reading the struggles suffered by you all and the many similarities to our problems caused mainly by the greedy, unnecessary charges made from our relative banks.

    We have been aware about the refunding of charges for a long time but

    were under the impression that this practice were a rarity aimed at a few

    select unfortunate individuals.


    the threads posted by you all have giving us the belief to challenge these charges head on ! so many thanks to the site and to all you who offer such good advise. We will be requesting our missing statements tomorrow and will post a more personalized thread a.s.a.p.



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