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Posts posted by jenny00star

  1. Hi there. Your contract would likely state that the contract is governed by English Law (if this is where the company is based)..... that said there are ways in which this doesn't apply, from personal experience.

    - If anyone visits your property, in Scotland this is illegal without prior appointment (unless the visitor is a Sheriff's Officer).

    - You can argue that the terms of the Prescription & Limitation (Scotland) Act 1973 apply as you are resident in Scotland & if the company bothers to acknowledge it they can only state 'the contract states English Law applies' - which brings you back to the unenforceable nature of the debt in the absence of a copy of the Contract as requested under s.78. They may argue that their T&C's are 'standard' so this statement applies. It may do, but as they are unable to provide you with the legally required copy they shoot themselves in the foot.


    Hope this makes sense.


    I had a lot of success with clearing my credit record 10 years ago of my youthful stupidities that never came asking for money, or indeed were paid but left on my credit record longer than is allowed.

    Good luck!

  2. Hi again.


    That's brilliant - thanks.


    I'm actually writing to all concerned (SO, Sheriff Court, Council) anyway prior to sending this off as I was contacting the Council (about the CTax) for a year when we moved in but they ignored me. We're due a rebate for loss of use of a room.


    Also was querying amount of benefit awarded.


    My problem is that I want these enquiries dealt with before this matter moves on - which I guess is my fault as they clearly expected me to keep banging my head off a brick wall to no avail indefinitely, and I frankly lost all motivation to keep trying to force them to do their job & actually answer my questions.


    My mood over this isn't helped by the fact the SO who came to the house initially to serve the "Charge for Payment of Money" was a Gene Hunt wannabe (have you seen Ashes to Ashes??) who attempted to threaten & intimidate me. Had my partner not appeared at the back of me & literally told him to back off, I would've phoned the police. I mean, I'm no shrinking violet but still. What a plonker.


    Oh yeah, and they've put the wrong employer on the arrestment. The Council have all the right details so I'm guessing some numpty at the SO's has misspelled the company name and just picked the first one from Companies House's list.


    Scott & Co - surprise surprise. Stupid & Co more like. ;)

  3. The Council cannot sack you for misusing the Blue Badge unless it is the area in which you work within the Council.


    Then it could be construed that you have somehow abused your position.


    If you were not using the badge for any purposes at the time you were parked up, i.e. it was not in a disabled space, it was not being used to overcome a parking charge, it was not being used to enable you to park on a road you would not otherwise be able to park on without the use of it etc, you were not misusing the badge.


    The terms of the Blue Badge scheme states the badge should only be used in connection with transporting the person named on it. If you were not using the badge to park etc, and you were gaining nothing from the badge being displayed, and you were going to use it to collect your mother, then you've not broken any rules, laws etc.


    In case you're wondering....... I used to issue them for a Council. :)


    If it is in the hands of the court (though how it would get that far if you HADN'T done anything wrong is a bit odd), then they will certainly consider all facts..... if they decide you have done nothing wrong, your work (even if they somehow convince themselves they can take disciplinary action against you for it) then cannot legally proceed with any action against you.


    Take deep breaths......... As a Council employee currently being screwed royally, I can sympathise. They manage somehow to convince you they actually have a clue!! (they don't in most cases ...... it's a proven fact!)


  4. Also having served in HMCS for 22+ years I believe that meagain gives the agencies concerned too much credence (#20) and 'assumes' (or encourages others to do so) far too much(#22)........................and just how does meagain know that the 'majority' of customers or recipients of allowances are receiving the correct amounts. Is there a set of stats that we are not privy to?


    Finally kennyh! Someone who is talking some sense. :D


    We all know that we probably should have all taken the train to London & gone to 11 Downing Street personally to report the gross errors to the 'big chief' :-| , but unfortunately we were foolish enough to believe what we were being told! There's constant reporting in the press of how much of a mess this system is in, that the government are aware of it and are working to fix it (really??? would love to know how they are doing this!). We were mad enough to believe when we were told by the likes of meagain on the 'helpline' (oh the irony!) that everything was fine with our claims, don't worry - it'll all get sorted out, yes we know we've made a small error with your information, but really, don't worry. People like meagain who appear to have been completely re-programmed to believe the rubbish they come out with.


    hindsight.... I now no longer deal with the pitiful excuse of a helpline, instead everything goes in writing, recorded delivery. I will not be held accountable for someone elses mistakes ever again!


    If the wonderful institution that we call our trusted government cannot do its job correctly, who is held accountable - us. What a marvellous society to try and teach children that they must take responsibility for their actions! :-x


    When I was working there, I wasn't able to match the numbers up either, and we had access to information not disclosed to the public!



    I assume that by "innocent omition" (sic) you mean "I didn't read the form properly so didn't know I had to tell you that",


    no - not telling them about a change in childcare the day it happened, but telling them a week later - then them not being able, despite being told on 6 separate occasions of the change, to actually note it correctly. Their pathetically weak defense (something meagain appears to know about) is that you were a week late in telling them that's why they didn't make a note soon enough. (something that was quote in writing before there's anymore unnecessary sarcasm :rolleyes: spilling from meagains keyboard).


    People are forgiven for thinking that this site is a place to come for friendly, realistic advice when it would appear that people like meagain simply want to come on here to judge and berate people.:!:


    All you can do when it comes to the appeals for WFTC is keep going & don't give up.

    The majority of claimants give correct information. The majority of claimaints get correct payments. Coincidence?

    No, blatant lie. The majority of claimants give correct information, an unknown proportion of these get correct payments. Coincidence? No - it's luck!


    thanks to everyone on this post who has given some good advice, your understanding is appreciated by people like me who feel like giving up. :cool:

  5. Don't be ridiculous! The system is horribly broken, something the government were aware would become the case before the tax credits even came into official existence!


    It is horribly broken rendering it totally useless as it is neither reliable or effective, it also not up to the public to fix the system. The majority of claimants of WFTC give correct information as it is requested of them. Unfortunately year after year there have been flaws in the forms (asking for previous years income & current years hours - which is totally inane if someone didn't work the previous year, but has started in the current year!).


    The Inland Revenue were aware these problems were going to come about, but had believed they would be able to rectify them within the first 3 years. On realising that this wasn't going to be possible they introduced the penalty system.


    If they find you to be giving false information, even by innocent omition, they will penalise you. If the error in the information has been an error on their part - they will not penalise you. HOWEVER, despite the fact that you may well have written to them informing them of their error, despite the fact that you may have made 50 phone calls to the 'helpline' (oh the irony!) also informing the drone on the other end of the mistake, unless you receive a correct award notice showing the correct information - they will hold you responsible.


    So basically, they employ a devious system whereby you lose if you win and you lose if you lose.


    Welcome to Government ...... and you wonder why so many of these people end up on the front pages of the News Of The World in drug and drink scandals!


    They are being paid to ruin people's lives.

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