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Posts posted by cherryc

  1. hello all!


    i am very new to this idea of claiming my money back, and have spent the morning going over the site and my bank statements! i'm not trying to claim a lot, just under £2000, which hopefully won't be a problem, as i'm a poor student and could really do with the money, especially seeing as they wouldn't let me switch my current account to a student account, even though i've only ever been with hsbc, and from the early age of 11 or 12.......i digress! :mad:


    anyway, i was wondering if i should send the letter saying that i'm going to claim my charges back, or just go ahead and ask for the amount without any warning? also, does anybody know if claim's have been rejected in the past?


    thank you :)

  2. thank you for your help :) i'm totally hopeless when it comes to computers.... and looking after my finaces it would appear, given the amount of charges i've paid over the years!

    hmmmm.... i tried your link already, but apparently i don't have an X11, though i have no idea what this is!? and so can not install the free version of office. i have previously installed a test drive of officce 2004, so am not allowed to do this again.


    i shall have another go, see if i can sort something. thank you again for your help though, much appriciated :D

  3. i've tried opening the spreadsheet, but don't seem to be able to change any of thhe information. i'm thinking this might be because i'm using a mac? so am going to go and try to use it on my boyfriends computer tomorrow.


    thank you for your help Andy, hopefully i won't have to go as far as the mcol, though most people seem to have to. i'm claiming under £2000, so i'm hoping they just let me have it. this is possibly a little too naieve!

  4. you're more than welcome, i've since posting claculated the money i'm going to claim via the power or on line statements, so i can jump a step ahead hopefully, i'm now just having a problem trying to find the spreadsheet on here to enter my details in to.


    also, once having entered said details in to the spreadsheet, do both that and the letter get sent to the same address you used above?

  5. aww thank you so much :)


    i've started going through my on line statements, and have also printed off the data protection act 1998 subject access request to send off to, now i just need to find out who to make the £10 cheque payable to, presumably just HSBC?!


    i'm hoping i don't have to make two claims, though it really depends on how much the owe me - i intend to get every penny back! should they close my account however, will this effect my credit rating in the future when applying for credit cards/a mortgage etc? this is what really worries me!


    thanks again Magic, glad to hear you're getting some of your money back! even if you did have to wait two months!



  6. hi Steve


    i'm just about to embark on reclaiming my charges, i was just wondering, which letter do you send to ask for a list of charges, is it the S.10 Data Protection Act notice - if you have been defaulted for unlawful penalties? and do the statements they send you list all charges, dating back six years, or just the previous charges? i was thinking it's bound to be easier than trying to calculate it all on the internet!


    hope your claim is going well..... wish someone would sort mine out for me, your sister is very lucky indeed! :)



  7. a ha! thank you Magic :) i am indeed claiming for 'total charges' it seems, that was a really helpfull bit of information!


    most of the charges on my statements are for 'total charges' and 'card mis use' if i am claiming for both of these, do i have to make two seperarte claims, or cam i total them all together?


    i have started my own thread now, sorry for invading this one - oopsy!


    good luck everyone, and thank you for such a speedy response to my posts :)



  8. hello!


    i'm so new to all of this and am starting to read my way through all the necessary bits of information in order to try and get my head around everything i need to know. i've managed to work out so far, that since november 2005 i have paid a grand total of £1387 in charges, most of which are because i have gone over drawn, even though i've never had an agreed over draft.


    HSBC have been charging me £125 a time for having done so. in some cases, i have gone over drawn by as much as £100 even though i didn't know i was doing so. does this therefore mean that their £125 charge is legal? i'm trying to figure out whether or not i can make a claim.


    i've been with HSBC since the age of 12 (i'm now 22) and they've done nothing but mess me around. i'm now a struggling student, and tried desperatly to change my account to a student one, but was not allowed to, as i've accidentally gone over drawn one two many times (even though, as i previously said, i've never had an over draft) and this has given me a bad credit rating. i simply cannot afford to be paying such high charges, or any at all, i don't earn enough as it is!!


    if anybody could let me know whether they think i might be able to go ahead with a claim, then please let me know, as i will obviously need to start looking on line for my statements over the past 6 years or so. this could take some time!


    i was also wondering... is it necessary for me to calculate the amount of charges i have paid over six years, or may i simply be able to claim for one or two? i'm worried that i may go over £5000 and have to pay to take the matter to court?



    thank you in advance, for taking the time to read this at least. i'm truly grateful. well done to all those that have been successful, you're an inspiration!



  9. thisis my problem, i have no idea whether i can even file a claim, and whether or not to claim for the whole 6 years, or just up to £5000 worth?


    i'm so confused


    but really need to try and get at least some of my money back!

  10. hello!


    i'm so new to all of this and am starting to read my way through all the necessary bits of information in order to try and get my head around everything i need to know. i've managed to work out so far, that since november 2005 i have paid a grand total of £1387 in charges, most of which are because i have gone over drawn, even though i've never had an agreed over draft.


    HSBC have been charging me £125 a time for having done so. in some cases, i have gone over drawn by as much as £100 even though i didn't know i was doing so. does this therefore mean that their £125 charge is legal? i'm trying to figure out whether or not i can make a claim.


    i've been with HSBC since the age of 12 (i'm now 22) and they've done nothing but mess me around. i'm now a struggling student, and tried desperatly to change my account to a student one, but was not allowed to, as i've accidentally gone over drawn one two many times (even though, as i previously said, i've never had an over draft) and this has given me a bad credit rating. i simply cannot afford to be paying such high charges, or any at all, i don't earn enough as it is!!


    if anybody could let me know whether they think i might be able to go ahead with a claim, then please let me know, as i will obviously need to start looking on line for my statements over the past 6 years or so. this could take some time!


    i was also wondering... is it necessary for me to calculate the amount of charges i have paid over six years, or may i simply be able to claim for one or two? i'm worried that i may go over £5000 and have to pay to take the matter to court?



    thank you in advance, for taking the time to read this at least. i'm truly grateful. well done to all those that have been successful, you're an inspiration!



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