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Posts posted by hele

  1. I had already successfully claimed back all the charges from the last six years (totalling £850), and then recently incurred some more charges (one charge leading to another and another) and so once again wrote to re-claim these. Although I have again been offered the sum of the charges back I have also received another letter stating that they will be closing my account in one month's time. I have looked on the forum, and at this time nothing can be done about this, and it seems this will also give me an even worse credit rating. I also have a loan with HSBC, and it is unclear what is going to happen with this, but if they also want this re-paid then I am going to be in serious trouble, especially as I think it unlikely that I will be able to get another overdraft facility.


    I think this site is absolutely brilliant and would encourage all to claim, but just to warn you that the bank can retaliate in this way and so if you are in a similar situation to me and are going for a second claim, evaluate the consequences if they do close your account, and weigh up whether it is a risk you can afford to take.


    I do not think there is anything I can do to stop HSBC doing this, but if anyone has any information that may help me at all I would be very grateful. Mnay thanks.

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