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Nigel Willetts

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Posts posted by Nigel Willetts

  1. I would like to express my dissatisfaction with my local County Court in dealing with my claim against HSB. HSBC notified that they would be defending my claim and subsequently, AQ's were sent to both parties, with instructions to be filed by April 10th. Yes, you have guessed correctly! HSBC did not have their AQ filed by this time. The District Judge was most gracious in granting them until May 10th to file. I am still awaiting further information from the County Court, but I suspect that this deadline has also been ignored. Any advice would be most welcome, particular following on from this morning's broadcast on GMTV!

  2. It may be a co-incidence, but, following an e-mail to Michael Duncan, Sir Freddy Goodwin's right hand man, early this morning, funds were paid back into my account at 10.30 am this morning! Happy Christmas!


    Thanks to natweststaffmember and others for showing an interest - it was helpful and most appreciative. Narrative on statement read 'dispute of funds'. Crazy!


    God bless you all! Have a good Christmas!

  3. Good Morning,

    Many thanks for your interest in my plight. Nat West have not had the decency to contact me via post as to the reasons behind the removal of my funds. It was paid into my account, then subsequently withdrawn by Nat West.


    The latest information is that it was stopped in Edinburgh, to check validity of cheque! I have been informed that they are in dialogue with HSBC to determine this. I have never herad anything quite so bizzare. I have people working for Sir Freddie Goodwin investigating, but I do not think that it will be resolved before Christmas.


    I find it hard to believe that a bank can get away with this. They have, in effect, stolen my money! What do you think?

  4. Perhaps NatWestStaffMember may be able to shed a little light on today's events. Apparently, an employee at Nat West clearing centre in Edinburgh took it upon themselves to check the validity of the cheque issued by HSBC! Nat West have my money and I would like it back. I intend to involve banking ombudsman when resolved and to close my account with Nat West, then claim bank charges back from them! Another wasted day! Looks like I will have to cancel Christmas this year!

  5. Yet another day wasted! I cannot believe that it takes so long to trace a cheque. HSBC still claiming their innocence, with Nat West still 'investigating'. With all this technology at their disposal, surely it should not take this long! Looking highly unlikely that it will be resolved in time for Christmas.

  6. That is very interesting! Guess I will have to wait to see how this scenario develops, but I cannot quite see the logic in HSBC doing this. The guy who I last spoke to at HSBC sounded quite sincere and genuine, and requested that I obtain particular information from Nat West pertaining to cheque number and reason for not clearing cheque so that he could investigate from his end. As far as he was concerned, there was no issue with this cheque clearing and he was quite adamant that they had not put a stop on it.


    If, as you say, this is not the case, what course of action can I take against HSBC with regard to their handling of this?


    This is really beginning to wear me down!

  7. The plot thickens! It transpires that somebody at NatWest has deemed it appropriate to stop the transfer of funds. HSBC are totally innocent and assure me that they had no involvement or reason to stop the cheque, or the payment. Nat West are a little jittery and are launching a full investigation tomorrow. They can see no reason for this cause of action.


    Through this action group, I managed to obtain details of and speak to the PA of Sir Freddie Goodwin, top man at Nat West, who was most helpful and promised an investigation from their end. Something a little shady going on here, me thinks. watch this space!

  8. Hi.

    I have been telephoning HSBC since 9.00am this morning and still await a return call from them at time of writing - 4.00pm. Whenever I call, I have to explain my situation over and over again and the poor person on the other end of the telephone informs me that they will speak to their 'specialist' department who will telephone me straight away. I still await such a call. Another day wasted. Off to try again!

  9. Numerous telephone calls to HSBC, with promises of return calls which have not materialised. Apparently, so they claim, two cheques were sent out to me. One on 30th November, which I never received, and one on 7th. December, which I did receive and presented to my bank. Would you believe that this is the cheque thay they cancelled, rather than the one allegedly sent on 30th. November?


    I am trying to arrange a direct bank transfer from HSBC to my current account, in light of their monumental cock ups! Do you think that they will/should agree to this? Otherwise, there is no hope of me receiving the money before Christmas.

  10. Contacted the Bank first thing this morning and they were quite helpful. They can see no reason for why this has happened, are investigating this morning, and have promised me an answer later this morning. They did say that the initial sum of money paid into my account was subsequently withdrawn upon issue of the cheque. Strange! Will keep you updated as and when I hear anything!

  11. stop, hold the panic. i think, although i've no basis for this, just throwing this out there - i think they are reacting to the possibility of paying it twice - sort of left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing. you got it into an account - their error -you wanted a cheque, so, at this point when you were talking to them - what happened to the money they had put into your account?


    leave the a.q. and all talk of further action to the side for the moment -

    i think you are sorted - it's a misunderstanding of where the money went.


    so, if we are to sort it out logically - what happened to the money in the account.


    i think perhaps you won't be able to sort this with hsbc today - although you could try one of the 800 numbers - i think you need to lay it out - then send your summary to dg, e-mail it to them as well and then call them first thing monday a.m. i think it will get sorted.


    did you move the money in your account, did they take it back or is it still there?

    you won't be a test case.

  12. The funds deposited were due to be cleared at the close of trading Friday. Nat West informed me this morning (saturday) that the cheque (and subsequent funds) were returned to HSBC via the Nat West fraud department, on the advice of HSBC. So I am back to square one and will need to pursue through courts once again. In a perverse way, I would love to take my case to Court and be responsible for opening the floodgates!


    Any one else experiencing similar?

  13. Hi, I have trawled through the postings to determine if anybody else has had an experience similar to mine, but have yet to find such a person. Please advise, if you can, on my particular scenario with HSBC:


    Letter received on 21/11/06 from DG Solicitors informing of intention to repay full charges, without prejudice.


    Letter received on 24/11/06 informing me that my account has been credited with full amount. This was not what I requested in my claim, I specifically requested payment to be made in the form of a personal cheque.


    A variety of telephone calls to DG Solicitors and HSBC resulted in a personal cheque being issued on Monday 11/12/06, which was paid into my Nat West account on Tuesday 12/12/06.


    Friday 15/12/06, I received a letter from County Court, advising that the time for my defendants to file their defences has now elapsed. I was sent an allocation questionnaire to complete, requesting a further fee of £100, to be completed by 02/01/07.


    This morning, Saturday 16/12/06, Nat West informed me that HSBC have instructed them not to honour the cheque! As it is Saturday, I cannot contact either HSBC or DG solicitors to determine why.


    So, from 21/11/06 to present, I am no further on in retrieving my money. My family and I were heavily dependent upon such money to fund Christmas for our three children.


    It looks like I will be the test case, which I am more than happy to take on. Has anybody else had a similar experience of a cheque being issued, and then withdrawn? Can anybody else please advise?

  14. Thanks for all who took the time to post response. I feel a little easier now. lateralus, I think that you might be correct in your assumption that they are possibly reacting to paying the money twice. As for money in the account, I have no way of knowing what has happened to it - I have not used the account for years and have since forgotten passwords etc for on line banking to check. Will create a new thread. Many thanks.

  15. The funds deposited were due to be cleared at the close of trading Friday. Nat West informed me this morning (saturday) that the cheque (and subsequent funds) were returned to HSBC via the Nat West fraud department, on the advice of HSBC. So I am back to square one and will need to pursue through courts once again. In a perverse way, I would love to take my case to Court and be responsible for opening the floodgates!


    Any one else experiencing similar?

  16. Hi, I have trawled through the postings to determine if anybody else has had an experience similar to mine, but have yet to find such a person. Please advise, if you can, on my particular scenario with HSBC:


    Letter received on 21/11/06 from DG Solicitors informing of intention to repay full charges, without prejudice.


    Letter received on 24/11/06 informing me that my account has been credited with full amount. This was not what I requested in my claim, I specifically requested payment to be made in the form of a personal cheque.


    A variety of telephone calls to DG Solicitors and HSBC resulted in a personal cheque being issued on Monday 11/12/06, which was paid into my Nat West account on Tuesday 12/12/06.


    Friday 15/12/06, I received a letter from County Court, advising that the time for my defendants to file their defences has now elapsed. I was sent an allocation questionnaire to complete, requesting a further fee of £100, to be completed by 02/01/07.


    This morning, Saturday 16/12/06, Nat West informed me that HSBC have instructed them not to honour the cheque! As it is Saturday, I cannot contact either HSBC or DG solicitors to determine why.


    So, from 21/11/06 to present, I am no further on in retrieving my money. My family and I were heavily dependent upon such money to fund Christmas for our three children.


    It looks like I will be the test case, which I am more than happy to take on. Has anybody else had a similar experience of a cheque being issued, and then withdrawn? Can anybody else please advise?

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