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Posts posted by Mistermind

  1. 1 hour ago, rosequeen said:

    I'll see if I can find anything about Hamilton Life but have you got the SAR back from Barclaycard yet, as 30 days have expired?

    Regrettably no SAR reply or even acknowledgment yet from Barclaycard -- not the first installation to blank my SAR request.  If or when Barclaycard replies you will be the first to know.


    Thanks DX100UK.  I SAR'ed Aviva months ago.  They said they have never heard of me.


    I must have dreamt everything, I never had no HFC loan including no PPI.  The sky is not blue, the sea is not green, the Earth is not round and the Globe is not warming.


  2. On 30/06/2019 at 02:09, dx100uk said:

    well they wont - nature of the beast.

    they took huge gamble taking in the HFC group portfolio and they suffered very badly but they had to do it [insider trading - their favourite trick]

    but they made £100M's out of Hamilton life where all the PPI went too [run by ex HFC guys at the time ...geddit yet..]


    in 1992/3 HFC were tipped off about the impending PPI scandal and employed shredder trucks across the nation to destroy everything they could from the big branches like brighton where everything local went too..i believe there was one in Harlow I think too amongst other places

    the trucks parked up in the local NCP carparks for days on end whilst  the stuff was transported to them.


    for want of nothing more than annoying people

    here are what you agreements looked like :lol:


    £5k agreement pers loan plus £773.59+ T+C .pdf 1.75 MB · 0 downloads £7100 agreement Pers loan plus £7100 T+C.pdf 1.06 MB · 2 downloads example of pers loan + Ac statement.pdf 370.61 kB · 1 download


    Thanks for the informative docs on HFC thread.  I rang "Hamilton Insurance" today on 0203-5951111, but they said they are an insurance underwriter who never sold PPI.  Do you have an address for Hamilton Life please?  As HSBC/HFC swears they cannot find my account from 1987 without account number I have reached the end of the line re PPI reclaim.  


    As a last resort I was hoping Hamilton Life would be decent enough to give me my HFC account number or Hamilton PPI account number.  By not requesting full SAR from Hamilton (which many installations ignore), I hope to get a key with which to disarm HSBC's  "if no account number, no PPI claim" tactic. 


    Thanks for your time.

  3. 11 hours ago, Mistermind said:



    Hi Rosequeen, I really cannot remember going through any formal procedure of "closing a credit card"


    If I had zero balance and no further use for such expensive financing then I simply spent no further transactions on said card.  More likely I would have maxed out said card, then paid off the balance in instalments thus making card management jealous about safeguarding my card history.  If you have no card statements, do you by any chance of any Default Notice issued against same ?  Any trail of credit history about you on Experian before 1996?


    If you really would like to try ONE LAST RESORT, I can issue a SAR against my Barclaycards (previously I only typed a letter complaining about PPI, relying on Barclaycard to be honest and diligent).  SAR compliance output would be doubtful to arrive before August 19.  If any sign of insurer or PPI is shown by my SAR  I can happily share info with you in private.    

  4. Hi Rose Queen,


    Following my firsthand favourable outcome I do urge you to persist. 


    When I first started, on Google there was one unambiguous hyperlink where Barclaycard offered callers an initial confirmation whether any PPI was charged in the first place. Once this was confirmed, the lady telephonist was at pains to explain her computer screen did not show my other older cards, but that there was a separate office dealing with the latter.  I cannot remember whether she instigated the additional referral, or whether I wrote separately to the address she provided (probably both).  I wrote everything down on the back of an envelope and persisted.


    Lo and behold, refund from my less ancient card came pronto, whereas from my older cards less pronto but within reasonable time.     The 2 different addresses who wrote back to me with dosh were:


    Barclaycard Customer Relations Dept, P O Box 9131,  51 Saffron Road, Leicester LE18 9DL

    Barclays Retail Banaking Customer Relations, Leicester LE87 288 


    I had Barclaycard in all variations from the 80's, possibly from the 70's, but all finished with full settlement and presumably were closed and inactive.  More recently in 2014 I came back from Ireland and in November 2014 opened a new Barclays Bank current account.  In maybe 2016 I applied and got a new Barclaycard.  Possibly because of my history and fresh re-association, possibly my decades-old Barclays data got reassembled together in the jungle of Barclays Group IT databases.


    Rose Queen, do please persist with Barclays.  in view of my RESULT and the general tone of cooperation I received, any refusal you received was likely due to muddle rather than conspiracy.  If you spoke to the wrong bureaucrat you may get a wrong answer.  Do ask if you need me.


    Good luck !


    May Your Majesty

    be rewarded with smiles and roses !   




    Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) is designed to repay loans, mortgages, ... The easiest way to raise a PPI complaint is by using our online claim form. Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) | Barclaycard
    1. General Information · Complaints · PPI Complaints · Fraud & Security · Other Barclaycard Information · Paying Your Bill · Spending & Transactions · Statements.
  5. Thanks Rose Queen,


    A good idea. I shall make an official PPI complaint to HFC/HSBC ahead of August 19 to put down a place-marker -- ahead of the happy event of myself miraculously recalling during seance session or deep hypnosis, one HFC account number from 35 years ago so carelessly forgotten.


    I am afraid my Barclaycard bumpf along with all other bumpf was confined to the waste-basket, as at the time I had no inkling of the significance of Barclays Bank being a separate entity from insurers who underwrote PPI.   I only started PPI reclaims this past January, when I rang up the Barclaycard telephone number for PPI as found from Googling.  Within 10 minutes the telephonist using my name, DOB and former address, found that I did incur £900 PPI years ago.  But to pursue PPI in my older card accounts I was given a separate address.  I would characterize this lady telephonist and helpful and kind in tone, as if she wanted victims to achieve redress.  Via Barclaycard I had Liberty Loans and Monument Loan. 


    Altogether I received 3 painless refunds straight into my Barclays bank account, totalling £9,000 despite my never having an inkling an iota of my account numbers.  If you  would like B/card addresses and names I dealt with, please let me know.


    Happy days.

  6. My Barclaycards must have been opened in the 80's if not 70's, and for sure a copy of Credit Agreement was sent to me. 

    No doubt HFC account opening would have been sent to me. 


    Alas over the years each time I moved house and moved county to work as an itinerant contract computer programmer, every possible ounce and gram was ditched, even adorable girlfriends had to be ditched, let alone seemingly obsolete paperwork.


    Rose Queen, it looks like in the words of the Venerable Donald Trump ...

  7. My revolving credit account had a limit around £2000.  Interest accrued only when I drew debits out, when I paid what I chose, not necessarily once a mouth.


    Around 1982-3 I opened such an account in HFC Bournemouth office, then around 1985-8 I opened account in HFC Brighton.


    Barclaycard has been very honest and honourable, paying me huge amounts of PPI refund without quibbling when I had zero records.  Not so HSBC.

  8. Thanks for the idea, but in 1987/8 I always paid in by cash as HFC office was in town centre where I lived, in Brighton. 

    Queens Road office to be precise, just outside BR station, but I gather HFC no longer has an office in Brighton. 

    Internet screens say there is, but Googled info is often years out of date. 


    Although my account had no further activities after I paid up leaving balance zero, I never closed this revolving-credit account. 


    It is possible my account stayed dormant with HFC for years before they eventually closed it was they would be entitled to do. 

    If only Experian consumer credit records go back to 1988, but they do not. 

  9. Microfiche is a regular security copy recording vast files onto compact film and stored away, likely to be organised by date.  Having given them my correctly-spelled name, my precise address at the time account was open, and date of birth, I would be surprised if they cannot trace my account number at least, and from that the financial records.  SAR response allows for 7 weeks(?), past August 19 deadline.  Very unlikely SAR complaint will get far.


    If they say they cannot even find record of my name, hard to fault them for not complying with SAR.  If another consumer went through the same wild goose chase, then was able to prove that HSBC was lying and that records were there and find-able, I could quote chapter and verse, and probably persuade FOS to be on side, and thus I could put the fear of God into HSBC. 


    For such assistance -- just to shine a light and successfully goad HSBC into admission, for that I would be more than happy to pay 20% finders fee.  50-day deadline will soon run out, and HSBC will get away with it.

  10. All SARs achieved nothing, and HSBC confirmed in writing a second time that after a careful search they found nothing, and could I provide them with my account number?


    No I cannot from 30 years back. 

    July comes in 2 days, and August 19, 2019 deadline arrives in 50 days time. 


    PPI Claims Management shops say they have no idea how to break this deadlock. 

    PPI repayment becauses of the elapse of 30 years is likely to exceed £1000, maybe £2000. 

    This looks like a lost cause. 


    If anyone can help me get a result 

  11. It is understandable that the small fry do not have storage space and computer records and fiche which are routine in financial installations.


    If documented cases where HFC first siad no they have no records, then later were forced into a U-turn, yes they did have records, this pattern of behaviour constitutes blatant evasion of PPI refund.


    They would not be lying just to aggrieved customers seeking redress, they would be defying FCA, Information Directorate and BOS.

  12. My SAR to HFC is pending response from HFC. When HFC come back to me as in other cases with zero I shall find myself with nothing to lose, my PPI refund being hopelessly dead and buried. .


    At the point in time I shall be content to collate together depositions from others in the same boat. Their similar stories

    detailing obstruction and evasion will expose a pattern of HFC/HSBC behaviour deplored by FCA/IOC/FOS..


    Harvey Weinstein was a rich and powerful mogul,. But when a large number of his "me too" victims broke cover and exposed similar stories this exposed an infamous modus operandi which in the glare of full disclosure brought down said rich and powerful mogul. In a free country public opinion should not be underestimated. There so many of us.


    We little people. We can stand together. We shall be heard.

  13. My new posting on long-running HFC tussle thread:


    Hi Big Fish,


    Latest posting by you was 6 yearsicon ago. In intervening time has there occurred any happy ending, or just happier Such a ? HFC evidently hide behind the non-availability of evidence, then when pressed persistently they dribble out data like giving blood. A group submission could be organised resulting in a letter signed by multiple aggrieved CAG users, to demonstrate a pattern of behaviour on the part of HFC to evade legitimate PPI refunds.


    Such a joint complaint detailing the experience of multiple injured parties will carry more credibility with IOC, fosicon, FCA. HSBC/HFC CEO can be told in no uncertain terms this communal experience of HFC victims can be made available to the national press, i.e. to HSBC customers worldwide.


    As for DD's I suspect your bank is likely to have retained info on beneficiary of DD. Once banks have captured such data and stored them on disk, they usually retain same for a very very long time, because retention is much simler than destruction.


    Barclays Bank refunded my £900 PPI premiums plus interest etc 2 weeks after only one typed letter from me supplying all details. Albeit that was from 2003-2007, No attempt to wriggle, obfuscate, evade. Well done Barclaycard. Shame on HFC.


    If a number of other CAG users feel they have reached runaround deadend stalemate on HFC refusing to refund, I would consider organising a group-signed letter submission for enhanced credibility and high profile. Be assured when I compose a letter marshalling all the facts it will read like a mailed fist inside a velvet glove, the reader will be left in no doubt that settling is cheaper than fighting.


    My own PPI mis-selling has always been unarguable, as throughout I was self-employed with no salary, and I never tried to claim against PPI..

  14. Hi Big Fish,


    Latest posting by you was 6 years ago. In intervening time has there occurred any happy ending, or just happier Such a ? HFC evidently hide behind the non-availability of evidence, then when pressed persistently they dribble out data like giving blood. A group submission could be organised resulting in a letter signed by multiple aggrieved CAG users, to demonstrate a pattern of behaviour on the part of HFC to evade legitimate PPI refunds.


    Such a joint complaint detailing the experience of multiple injured parties will carry more credibility with IOC, FOS, FCA. HSBC/HFC CEO can be told in no uncertain terms this communal experience of HFC victims can be made available to the national press, i.e. to HSBC customers worldwide.


    As for DD's I suspect your bank is likely to have retained info on beneficiary of DD. Once banks have captured such data and stored them on disk, they usually retain same for a very very long time, because retention is much simler than destruction.

  15. Can I ask what phrases to type in the CAG search box to find the relevant posts ?Thanks very much




    Hi Rosequeen, have a read, but so far this thread has not shown comprehensive happy ending. I searched for keyword HFC. I have yet to receive SAR response from HSBC re HFC old old account.

  16. What a good idea, thanks.


    On my SAR I shall additionally request a certificate affirming the date of my data destruction, exactly what data was destroyed, and authorised by whom.


    I shall make clear if HSBC/HFC fails to unearth past data for my lawful PPI reclaim, that I then intend to make a formal request to the FOS suggesting an explicit audit of nonspecific alleged data destruction resulting in foiling of my PPI reclaim.


    I shall make clear that when my research plus online experience gleaned from fellow consumers nationwide such as from CAG, exposes past precedents of "data not found" hurriedly replaced by "data found" when Certificate of Destruction was requested, that such HFC/HSBC conduct constitutes a pattern of cover-up designed to thwart the law of England.


    Based on evidence and witnesses I would request a fullscale audit of HFC/HSBC refunds by FOS..

  17. Many thanks.


    I will send SAR to HFC Bank head office.

    I presume this would be HSBC, p o box 5207 in Coventry?

    That is precisely the office which sent me a reply saying they have nowt records on me going back to 1980's.


    If they do have my records but say they don't, then in response to my SAR they will have to repeat their first-time lie, but second time with legal penalties for giving a misleading SAR response.


    Is there any precedent reported in CAG where HFC was brought to book like in my case? Many thanks for your time.

  18. HSBC now owns HFC Bank in Brighton.

    I wrote to HSBC Coventry PPI claims office giving my name, DOB and precise former address, last week,

    but they replied to say: no records of my account can be found after 32 years,

    and that they are not legally obliged to retain documents beyond the statutory period if an account was closed.

    I also opened a Loan Account in Bournemouth and fully repaid around 1983.

    -- same answer from HSBC: no records.


    I myself have retained no records whatsoever, but I am absolutely certain I had those accounts, and 70% sure there was PPI as was standard custom in those days.


    Is this a dead end?

    Should I invest in £10 requesting a SAR,

    if so SAR sent to HSBC Coventry or to HFC Bank in Brighton?

    Later to complain to FOS if we suspect HSBC does have records?


    Thanks to all for sharing experience.

  19. Over 180,000 customers of credit card firm NewDay, will be refunded over £4 million after the firm admitted it unfairly charged customers.


    NewDay provides a mixture of store cards and credit cards for the likes of Debenhams, House of Fraser, Topshop and Topman, as well as credit cards for the likes of Aqua and Marbles, which are typically used by those with a poor credit score.


    About 3% of customers are due redress of £20 each on average after the company found that default fees and other charges triggered additional charges


    If you're due a refund you don't need to take any action, as New Day will be writing to you directly over the next two to three months.





    I was debited with penalty charges between July 2015 and March 2016, by New Day, owners of Aqua Card. In April New Day wrote to say they do not agree penalty charges were unlawful.

    County Court claim will cost me fee and time -- a nuisance. Haven't they learnt by now they will not get away with penalty charges designed purely for profiteering?

  20. https://www.gov.uk/make-court-claim-for-money/overview


    "You can apply to a county court to claim money you’re owed by a person or business.

    This is known as making a court claim. It used to be known as taking someone to a ‘small claims court’."


    Aqua Card will not sanction any spend over card limit. What happens is that at the end of each month Aqua piles on interest charges which takes any balance over credit limit, if the balance was there just below the limit. Aqua then piles on the Over Limit Charge. Hard to justify £12 compensation for going say £2 over limit, month after month. I am thinking of requesting Aqua Card balance sheet, Profit and Loss returns etc to justify £12 charge. If Aqua wants to take me on, if my reclaim is upheld by court it will be a precdent. If Aqua is forced to refund penalty charges en masse a la PPI mis-selling refunds, I shall raise a glass of wine to toast Aqua Card.

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