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Posts posted by paulminize

  1. Hi all, i have stupidly entered a date in my diary wrong, as a result i have missed a court hearing, and the judge has struck it out - Doh ! I thought it was 05/04/07 but it was 05/03/07.


    Can I start the claim all over again, or is it a case that now its been struck out I can't ask all over again?


    Thank You for any help.



  2. Hi all, Sorry i havent posted much, I took on the entire worlds worth of claims, I think and as a result I have been pretty busy!


    Anyway, i know this has had much debate, about what you can and cant claim for, concerning the costs. Well i have been trying them out, and charging for all sorts of various bits and pieces. (Nothing huge, just letters and the like) I have then added these straight to my moneyclaim as part of the claim itself. I have now been paid out on 4 out of 7 of these including the costs i had asked for. Basically i asked for the £10.00 sar fee back, plus i charged £6.95 for all letters and £9.45 for any letters including figure work (Charges Schedule etc) + other charges for photocopying etc. For most of the cases i have dealt with these total £30-£40 ish, I know its not a huge amount, and i know if it actually goes to court they would be at the discretion of the judge, but as most cases are settling way before that, its gotta worth it.


    Anyway tried and tested ;-) if you can get another £30-£40 back on 5 accounts thats £150-£200 free ! Go buy yourself a Christmas pressie.




    If you want a break down of how i justified my costs ask and i will explain.

    All i wrote in my moneyclaim peticulars was "I would also like to claim my resonable costs incurred these total £XX.XX and are fully documented."

  3. Sent S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) letter with full info to HSBC Mastercard. They say no trace cant take it any further without account no which I dont have. Even gave them date the account was opened. Is there anything I can do from here?


    Hi there i had exactly the same problem with HSBC, i have filled 18 cases all in for various friends and family and HSBC were the only ones who tried this tactic. I was at a total lose as to what i could do, and i dont really know where you stand legally and if they have to tell you anything. However this is how i managed it - think about how you used to pay your credit card bill ? was this DD or bank transfer, did you ever pay it by cheque etc - if so then the reference will be somewhere.


    HSBC couldnt find me anywhere on there sytem, yet i had a quick scan through my bank statements and found monthly payments listed 'HSBC MASTERCARD 1234567890987654'


    Hope this helps



  4. I do already have a parachute account, its just i would rahter not have the hassle. Does anybody know how far hsbc take things, its just that they owe me £850, they have offered £660, so if i accept i would be £190 down but might keep them happy enough to leave my account untouched, however if it goes to court claim is worth over £1000 so will they go as far as court, obviously if they will go that far it is worth upsetting them to get the extra money, its just i dont want to get all the hassle etc if ultimatley i will only get the £190 but upset them enought to close my account.



  5. Hi all i have just had the first offer from hsbc - i want to continue fighting for the full amount, i know banks can close accounts, does anyone have any idea if this is one of hsbcs tactics or do they leave account open, this is the only account i am claiming that is still open and i dont really want to stir the nest so to speak.


    Any experience would be helpful


    Thank you



  6. Hi again, seems i have another question, no dont all shout at me because i know i have read something along these lines but cant find where -


    MBNA have offered me £300 as full and final settlement of my claim against them - i havent actually sent a prelim yet only an SAR, however i estimate they owe me £800.


    The £300 would be nice now though, so will it harm my case if i cash the cheque and write saying "thank you fro intrim payment, but i still require full settlement blah, blah, blah"




    Should i just send the cheque back, and say "No thanks - full payment please"


    If i do cash the cheque will they be able to argue that i have therefore agreed to settle ? Or will they then be more reluctant to pay me the rest and go to court ?


    Thanks for any input



  7. Hi everyone i hope you are all having success with this compaign, i am having various outcomes at the moment, some good, some not so good.


    MBNA sent me a good will gesture before they even sent my statements !


    I have had some offers of partial payment and some full, i will update my signature as soon as i can sort exact dates.


    Anyway onto my question - The fastest no quibble pay out i have recieved so far is from STUDIO - i sent them a prelim and within a week vouchers for the full amount turned up - Brilliant - Howerver i really would like the cash! Would i be pushing my luck to send them back and ask for cash ? Would i then look unreasonable should it go to the court stage ?

    Do i have a leg to stand on, or would STUDIO changing vouchers for cash only be on a good will basis ?


    Thanks for you thoughts



  8. Hi all i am sending of Prelims today to some of the banks, my question is this, i know when i get to the court stage i can claim back reasonable costs - i seen a post somewhere explaining exactly what i could claim, aslo the rates.

    I was just wondering is this written anywhere officially, the reason is, i am warning them in my prelim that i will be charging for letters etc, and including the costs with the prelim so thay can see they are fair and they have been prewarned.


    I am including a paragraph to the effects that if they comply fully within 14 days as a gesture of good will, i will waive current recovery costs, however should the debt still be outstanding, and require any further communication from myself, these cost would be recoverable under >>>>> ........Section? Law ?


    Please help

  9. Hi all, just sending my first prelim off today, i have worked out the charges £49 and the interest on those £7.61 ? Does this sound reasonable ?


    I know that the 8% will only go on to of this, if i get as far as court but my question is, when is it fair/wise/acceptable to ask for costs ?


    The £10 DPA fee ?

    Cost of letters ?


    I know someone did mention charging £10 per hour and £3 per letter, but at what point ? Do i request it at this stage ? As i think with the DPA letter and the prelim + charges schedule + some photocopying i had to do, i could easily add up £12 worth of charges.


    Thank you for any help



  10. Hi all just a quick one, would the service or lack of it be covered by the sale or goods and services act ?


    I'm not totally sure, but i need to know as i'm complaing to my phone company as recently while abroad i made 15 calls to a friend all which were disconected for whatever reason after 2-5 seconds - and i have been chaged 15 time over for 1 minute calls at £1.50 per minute.


    I just want to know if i can basically put that the service is not up expected quality/fit for purpose it was supplied for.



  11. Hi all, thanks for the help and support that this web site has given so far.

    I have sent a lot of requests for information off, and have recieved replies from one already.


    The company is Citi cards - i cant find them anywhere on the forum, is/has anybody else dealt with them ?


    My question is: they have sent me a form to fill in to request the information i have already requested in my SAR letter (Time wasting i guess) but they have asked me to give details of manual intervention i want disclosing ?


    What exactly is this and what should i include ?


    Thanks for any help.



  12. Hi all i'm new to this forum, i had heard about the claiming back of bank charges some time ago, but to be honest i thought it sounded to good to be true, but now i have revisited the site it seems to be very much alive and kicking, so i am going to try and give it ago.


    I have 2 questions -


    1, My filing is rubbish - i know i can request information held about me by banks and credit cards but will this stretch back for the 6 year period ?


    2, I have several accounts that i have since paid off and closed, i do'nt have the account numbers so how can i request the information - how can i get my old account number and will they still be holding records if my account was closed 4 years ago


    Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.


    Thanks all



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