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Posts posted by leighsuz

  1. Hya everyone... So sorry for vanishing on you all for so long.. House move went totally pear shaped, and then I started new job with long hours, had a few days in hospital and still have to finish the redecorating here... I have to buy a new ink cartridge for the printer so I can print off the 'jog on' letters to Abbey LOL... will update you asap..

    Kia.. Promise I'm feeling much better now, have just needed to slow down a wee bit lol.

    Karny this girls back at last... watch this space! ps.. congrats on the promotion since Ive been away, from site helper to mod! thumbs up ;-)

  2. Ok I'm back... Right, to date Abbey have received my data protection requst for statements, giving them 40 days to comply and those 40 days run out today! I'v received 15 months statements and a letter about the microfiche nonsense.. I replied to thier microfiche apology with a copy of the microfiche arguement letter found here.... Two wks later I received the infamous "sorry you are not happy letter"... Nothing since! not a sausage! no statements, no mail, no nothing... I now send off the noncomplience thingy yes? Please help someone as Ive got a lot of problems hitting the fan here at home and my consentration is a bit blonde at the moment to say the least.....

    Kia I have to be honest, not even had time to attempt the spread sheet yet.. How are you getting on with it? is your brother still helping you?


    Suzie x

  3. Hya sorry not around much at mo... Have had the week from hell, relationship split up and everything else going wrong just to add to the turmoil. And to top it up new statement for this months shows they intend on taking a further £175 in charges off me again in cpl of wks! I will get a grip Kia, I will just have to learn to be thicker skinned lol.. Just have to pick myself up, brush myself down and get on with it all again.. will sort out the letter with estimates tonight.. I promise!

    Suzie xx

  4. I havn't sorted through the paperwork yet.. will try to sort out the estimates tonight if I can get myself focused. Just not feeling very positive today at all.. God don't I sound a right misery gutts? Oh well, pick myself up, brush myself down and get ready to take out all my downers on the Scabbey! God help em now ;)

  5. PS.... Why can I never find your thread on the abbey page of threads? I always have to click on your name on my own thread and search for all your previous posts... Are you hiding from me girl?? LOL!! You'll have to do better than this, I'm like the perverbial bad penny, keep showing my face LOL!

  6. Kia You're blooming NUTS!!! God you do make me laugh girl! Just when I thought I was having a crap day, I come online and find your posts... Thanks for putting the smile back on my face LOL... I think the N1 form is what we get from the courts to submit (am I right Karneval?)... and the moneyclaim is another route altogether we can take via this site? Please don't quote me, cos I'm completely blonde when it all come to this legal jargon LOL.. Plus I'm guilty of having drank half a btl of bicardi :razz:

    Suz x

  7. Thanks for that Karneval... You're a true star!


    Received letter from Shabbey today, the "sorry you're not happy and feel the need to complain" one. I gave it the attention it deserved and just filed it with the rest of the paperwork heehee.


    Kia let me know how you get on with the book if you get it hunni?


    Suz x

  8. Karneval... I have statements back to April last year (exluding Dec). There are just 18 days left out of the 40 days given to them to comply. Unfortunately I havn't yet been able to open a parachute account so I'm panicking a little incase they close my account or withdraw my £1000 overdraft (which i'm into up to my neck). How do I estimate the previous 5yrs when my account has fluctuated so much over the years? without the statements I honestly have no idea of whats gone out as I did have some very good financial periods too? Really don't want to fluff this up, or lose access to my benefits in the process. It's a tricky one that's for sure :(

  9. Blimey! Whatever games are they going to play with our heads next? They're playing with foul tactics every inch of the way! Where's the referee when you need him? LOL!

  10. Cassandra.. I could be wrong so please don't quote me on this, but I thought they had to give you so many weeks notice of their intent to withdraw charges from your account.. even if its just a warning of how much and when they are taking it printed on your previous months statement? I always know when it's going, it's just impossible for me to budget around the amounts they want on top of my regular DD's etc, as well as feed the kids and pay the bills.

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