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Posts posted by gage

  1. In exactly the same boat with Swiftcover only with a twist.


    Took out my current policy last year and provided Swift with a certificate for 6 years ncb, been with them for a year makes 7 and lost 2 for an accident last year means I should be leaving them this year with 5 but no they say only 3 :evil:


    And the twist? The cerificarte I provided them with that said 6 years, it was from them for the the year before as when my renrewal came through in August 2011 it had gone up and a search at the time found it to be cheaper to decline the renewal and take out a new policy and at that point they provided me with the cert for 6 years.


    Madness, surely they can't be allowed to do that. Even if I had not claimed I would still have walked away with only 5 which is year less then when I started when it should be a year more :!:

  2. Hi All,


    Been a while since I posted on here (I'm usually a silent reader) but need advice.


    Approx last March I moved into a rented property with a few friends and took out contents insurance with CoverDirect, made all payments on time and never had any problems. How ever 4 months later due to personal circumstances I ended up moving out of the shared house.


    As the friends were staying on I called up CoverDirect and asked if the account could be transfered to one of them, they told me this was not possible that I would have to cancel my policy and one of them take out a new one, so I requested they cancel the policy and thought that was that.


    However in the close to a year since I moved out I have recieved constant calls from CoverDirect claiming I owe them money (Unsure exactly how much there currently claiming but it was well over £100 at some point last year just a few months after I moved out, despite my annual premium having only been about £120


    I have repeatedly told them I no longer live at the address in question, that I moved out and cancelled the policy and as far as I am concerned I don't owe them anything, this has all been over the phone as they do not currently know where I live and I don't want to change that if I can help it.


    The last time they phoned a few days ago they said they woud be taking action against the address the policy relates to, I reminded them once again that I no longer live there (neither do my friends they moved out a few months after me) and they said they would trace were I live.


    Hence here I am asking for opinion, am I best just ignoring them as they don't have an address for me?


    Many Thanks


    p.s is it possible to change my username?

  3. I've really started to hate this lot over the last couple of months, granted it's my fault they have been calling as I was behind with my payments and quite frankly couldnt be bothered to speak to them until the other day.


    But aside from that they have been calling every day, even after my dad (the home owener and owner of the phone line) told them I was no longer avaliable on that number and to stop calling me.


    The most anoying part of all though? Every time they phones within second of putting the phone down to them some one else would call and ask exactly the same thing :confused:


    Really annoys me as well that they call me and ask me to confirm my details before they speak to me, eventualy had enough and told em I wasnt prepared to read off personal details to some one phoning me. She said they wouldnt be able to discuss my account if they didnt, just told her fair enough your the one who called me wanting to discuss it.


    But hey, all sorted now, paying the arrears today. Must appologise for hijacking your thread with a bit of an essay :o

  4. I can assure the OP that you can DEFINITELY delete that hidden partition using the windows disc and then reinstall Windows XP onto the new 80GB partition although it wont be 80GB it'll be something like 76GB


    I wouldnt count on it, mate of find discovered the same thing when he bought a laptop from pc world, so I repartitioned it to one big partition and it refused to boot. A call to the tech line (cant remember now if it was pc worlds or the manufactures) and I was advised that it wont work with out there partition, seems they put somet special on it, had to send it back to them to reset there hidden partition :mad: luckily my laptop never had one or I would not have been impressed.

  5. Oh yes. Just checked me account online and the moneys been put in, just short of a grand :D I is a very happy chap.


    Most of it's gonne be going straight back out to clear a few debts but Im sure I shall be able to sort a donation out shortly.


    Will post a proper timeline up tomorrow night, am far to tired at the moment and dont have details with me.


    /me dances around the office

    (good job im the only one ere :D)

  6. Last time I phoned cap 1 up to pay my bill, I was told there had been £30 of charges cos it was late and I was overlimit.

    The guy then turned round and said he would refund half of them, without me even opening my mouth :p


    Might just be coincidence that I got through to a nice guy but I couldnt help thinkin they were tryin to be nice to stop me makin a claim.


    Was very nice of them but I shall still be getting the rest back as soon as i've finished with Lloyds :grin:

  7. Right well i've had the "sod off" letter in response to the LBA and the 14 days are now up so it's claim time :D


    Unfortunatley is gonna have to wait till friday as is gonna be £80 to file it not the £30 I was expecting so in the mean time can I just check a few things.


    1. The address to use,- i've gone for the 25 Gresham Street, London one, though my previous letters have been sent to my local branch.

    Is this ok or should I still use the branch addy for the claim?.


    2. Does any one know if MCOL accepts visa electron as I cant see mention of it on the payment page.


    3. Do I have to email / post a copy of the spreadsheets in to the courts after filing the claim or does that come at the AQ stage?


    4. This is what i've put in the "particulars of claim section", is this OK?


    1. The Claimant has two accounts(xxxxxxxx /

    xxxxxxxx) with the Defendant, opened in

    1992 2. Since 01/08/03 the Defendant

    debited charges in respect of purported

    breaches of contract. 3. Defendant is aware

    of all details as a list of charges has

    already been supplied. Another copy will be

    sent. 4. Claimant contends: (a) The charges

    exceed the Defendant's losses caused by the

    breaches; (b) The Term permitting the

    Defendant to levy such charges is

    unenforceable under the Unfair Contract

    Terms in Consumer Contracts Regs 1999,

    Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 and at

    Common Law. 5. Claimant claims: (a) return

    of the amounts debited of £763; (b)

    Interest per S.69 County Courts Act of 8% -

    £124.78 continuing at 8% until judgment or

    settlement at a daily rate of £0.17; 6.

    Alternatively, if the charges are a fee for

    a service, then they must be reasonable

    under S.15 of the Supply of Goods and

    Services Act 1982. 7. Costs allowed by the



    5. Have taken a rough guess at the year the accounts where opened as it was a heck of a long time ago back when Lloyds and TSB where seperate when I was about 12 and my parents opened the accounts for me, so I really have no definate idea when it was.

  8. Firstly great sight, many thanks to all for the info i've found on here.


    Secondly had the response to my S.A.R back yesterday so thought it as good a time as any to fire up my own thread.


    Just a quick question before i send of the Prelim letter. I actualy have to accounts with lloyds and will be claiming charges back for both, I assume these can be combined as one.


    I have used the prelim letter from the libary with a few minor alterations, account changed for accounts ets, both account numbers at the bottom


    and the paragrah in the "What I Require" section changed to


    What I require

    I calculate that you have taken a combined total of £763 from the above two accounts.

    I enclose a schedule of the charges which I am claiming with this letter



    I assume that will be fine for the moment but is it still ok for them to be combined come the court claim stage or would it have to go in as two claims?

  9. TBH, I don't see much point in this, since if you answer those questions, the call centre agent will already know who you are. If you don't, then you only end up having to answer them again when you go through (and again should you be transferred).quote]


    You'd think so wouldnt you, never happen when I call Capital One though, enter card details etc, then as soon as I get through to a person get asked for them all again, most annoying :|

  10. Firstly, hello to all, a most excellent site have definatley convinced me to have a stab at charges from lloyds and have sent a DPA letter (but thats another post which I shall start when its progressed a bit further)

    So for now onward to this post (and ill appologise now cos its gonna be a long one).

    on the 5th of October 2004 I brought a laptop from The Computer Shop (yup since gone bust) and which was to be payed on finance via First National / Trinity Finance (GE Capital / Money) whatever they want to call themselves. Now this was brought with payment protection insurance.

    On the 31st of January 05 I was made redundant, however my ex employer disputed this and said I left of my own accord and ignored the request for information from pinnacle , as a result of which the insurance would not pay out.

    Now I took them to tribunal and won, which they appealed and I won that as well, I sent the proof of this to pinnacle (this was now November of 05) and they excepted the claim and paid out on something else that happened to also be insured via them.

    How ever (and this is were the fun starts) they told me that during the time this had been draggin on that First National had refunded the premium to them, they had also passed on to a debt collectors (Fleetwood) despite having been kept informed throughout as to the reasons the insurance and receiving intermittent payments even though as far as im concerned I wasn’t obligated to make any, the intermittent payments continued to Fleetwood who were also informed of everything.

    Pinacle advised me that they were happy to pay out all back dated payments as soon as 1st Nat paid the premium again and reinstated the policy.

    Letters and calls to 1st Nat resulted in me being told it was nothing to do with them any more and there was nothing they can do.

    Fleetwood originally advised me to contact 1st Nat then said they would contact them themselves (though im not sure they ever did).

    The debt was then passed to Aktiv Krapital, who again was advised of the situation and said they would speak with 1st Nat, I received a letter from them around the 20th of June this year (which I cant find at the moment) but I do know it included the line “ the insurance agreement was due to end in May 05” which it obviously wasn’t as the orginal agreement still had 3 years left on it and I would assume (will confirm shortly) that any PPI would run the full course of the agreement.

    I sent them another letter asking them to explain why this is the case and asking for a statement of the account as the figure seemed to have raised quite a bit.

    I received a response to this on the 28th June which just says

    “Your recent communication in respect of the above account refers.

    Please bear with us whilst we investigate this matter further”.

    Now this was over a month ago so with any luck they have gone away (Aktiva have not had any money of me since they took over the debt as they never asked after I first sent them a letter) so with any luck they’ve gone away.

    However should they get back to me and first national are still refusing to sort out the insurance problem were do I stand? (for reference the balance is approx £600, and were talking now at least 14 payments to be made by the insurance which would be £350)

    Hopefully some of you have made it to the end of this and have actually been able to follow all my babbling and I look forward to any advice you may have :)

    Many thanks,


  11. From what I recall from checking up on DD's in the past it doesnt actualy matter if the amount was exactly right and you had all the notice in the world your still quite entitled to go to the bank and tell them to refund it straight back to your account (in fact im quite sure ive done it in the past when quite skint) its then down to the company to ask you to pay up in other ways.

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