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Posts posted by colno9

  1. Hi Thanks for the reply.


    I had gathered reading around the subject that the 6 years is nonsense. We have been supplied with a photocopy of the apparent original documents, however these were stapled together with details included regarding someone completely different (a man from preston regarding business/mortgage cover).


    Also, my partner knows the name of the woman who arranged the loan etc, and this does not appear on the docs, and a name she has never heard of is the staff signature. (we live in a small town, and any time we go in the bank, we know the staff by name).

  2. Hi


    My partner has recently claimed for PPI for a loan she took out in 2002 with Lloyds.


    The loan was complicated, and her father was asked to take the loan out in his name on my partners behalf (with her paying the loan repayments into his bank account every month). T


    hey were also sold PPI on the loan in my partners name (her policy).


    We thought this was a little odd as the loan being in her fathers name,

    surely the PPI taken out in her name would not cover the loan.

    However she was told that without taking out this PPI, she would not be allowed the loan.


    My partner had a meeting with Lloyds where she showed the details of the loan, and discussed making a claim.


    The woman at the bank was very helpful, and stated that it was completely wrong that the PPI was sold in this manner,

    and that the person who had initially agreed the loan would be in serious trouble regarding the setting up of this policy.


    Fast forward approx 3 months,

    and Lloyds have finally replied to the claim,

    refusing to pay the money back as it is more than 6 years after the loan started.


    She finished paying (via her fathers loan) in 2008, and we feel that this date is more relevant than when the loan began.


    In addition to this refusal,

    they have also included the original agreement.


    However this is a mish mash of her agreement, and also the details including bank account of a completely different person with the same surname from Preston

    (we are from Leeds). They seem to have merged the two to suit their arguement.


    As a side to these issues, the letter stating the facts of the refusal refers to a member of staff who agreed the original loan/PPI.


    The name of the member of staff is completely different to the member of staff that actually agreed the loan.

  3. Thanks for your response.


    I have provided Lloyds with the refernce numbers relating to the PPI. The loan didn't have PPI attached to it but I was told by Lloyds that I had to take the PPI out separately. This was due to the loan being taken out in my fathers name and the therefore the PPI was taken out in my name.



  4. Hi


    I really need some advice regarding a recent PPI claim I have submitted to Lloyds Bank.


    My story.....

    My father took out a loan for me back in 2005. The loan did not have PPI. As I would be paying back the loan, a monthly standing order was set up to transfer the money from my account to my fathers account 3 days before each payment was debited from his aco****. The bank told me I had to have PPI to cover me as I was ultimately paying the loan. The situation was no PPI agreement, then no loan!


    I sent all the details to Lloyds using the standard PPI claim form and I have received a letter from Lloyds to say that the account information I provided did not have PPI. I fully explained the circumstances surrounding the purchase of PPI including the PPI account numbers and my bank aco**** number (as I am a Lloyds bank account customer) but still they are telling me that no PPI has been purchased.


    Please can you give me advice on what my next step should be?


    Thanks in advance.

  5. Hi


    I was forced into a loan in around 2003, as a hard up student. The loan was to clear an overdraft, and they 'helped me out' by giving me a loan with 39.9% APR. They also added PPI onto the loan otherwise they would not have been able to lend me the money.


    At the time i was only young and completely green to how much of a bunch of ........ banks are.


    Would it be too late to start a claim on this. I would have let it lie, but have recently had an issue with them charging £180 in one go (that has sent me into an unauthorised overdraft + probably more charges). Therefore i will do to them what they think they can do to me.

  6. Hi


    After receiving a letter today informing me that i will be charged £6 per day for an unarranged overdraft. This move into the 'unarranged overdraft' was due to Natwest charging me £180 in one go. This was despite the fact that i was within the overdraft limit.

    The £180 charge is a mystery, and i will need to find out exactly what this was for before updating further.


    I just wanted to find out if anyone else had received this treatment, before i speak to them.

  7. Hi


    Not sure if anyone here will know anything about this, but.....


    My Mother has asked me to find out if there is any way that a house (her house), can be signed across to me, and my brother. The reason for doing this is so that in the future, should she need care, the local authority can not sell her house to pay for this.


    I should mention that she is only 54, but wants to make sure that we inherit something from her.


    She lives alone, and has paid off her mortgage. She has very limited savings.


    Any one know the best thing to do?

  8. Hi


    I wrote to Hillesden securities to prove that they own a debt they claim i owe. As i did not recognise this i wanted them to show some documentary evidence.

    They replied with a letter stating, they could not find any information relating to the account, however they would continue to look and update in 21 days.

    This they did, with exactly the same letter. They have since then sent me exactly the same letter every 21 days for the last 6 months.


    This would be fine, but they are updating my credit file with a default every month.


    What can i do???

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