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Posts posted by markl

  1. Letter


    Unresolved Issue 1:

    Section 7 – Data Protection Act 1998

    You recently failed to fully comply with my Data Protection Act Subject Access Request dated 18/11/2008.

    Please read the following carefully.

    "Full copies or transcripts of any correspondence in postal, email or any other format which you have entered into with any individual, organization or third party which contains my personal or financial, or which pertains to me, including correspondence to the underwriter of any insurance policies and details of the relevant Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) payable on any single premium policies. Please ensure this includes how much tax was payable, who payment was made to and the date of this payment."

    As it appears you may not have understood my original request I suggest you pass this to your data protection officer to ensure you correctly action it this time.

    I have paid the maximum statutory fee of £10 to obtain this information and as these funds have cleared you are legally obliged to comply with Section 7.


    Unresolved Issue 2:

    The miss-selling of my PPI

    I believe that I was miss sold PPI as your sales representative did not state that PPI was optional. I did not understand PPI and was not informed that it was optional at the time. Your salesperson stated / implied that taking out the policy was essential for me to get the associated credit.

    I believe we could settle this by you providing me with the transcript of the original phone call where I agreed to the loan. Unfortunately you have not supplied me with this information yet or the other information stated in "Unresolved Issue 1" at the beginning of this letter.


    What I Require From You

    As there are 2 equally important matters here which remain unresolved you have 14 days (from the date of receipt of this letter) to respond with both; 1) The missing data as outlined in "Unresolved Issue 1" and 2) The full transcript of my original call where I agreed to the loan.

    After this 14 day period no further correspondence will be entered into and I will be seeking an order for the release of this data.

    I look forward to your response.

  2. I can back wintermare on the fact that something seems to defiantly be going on with welcome at the moment, I am trying to claim my PPI back and just before Christmas they sent me a final letter stating they are not doing anything about it, sent this further letter before action but no response from them.

    My friend recently got a job at a debt management company and he brought welcome's name up in conversation and his manager said have you heard they are no longer providing loans


    At least if no one gets anywhere with their claims at least these **** will not be in business anymore to screw with any more unfortunate victims.

  3. Why would you say that? or are you saying that Welcome have no actual insurance in place but hope peeps like me do not make a claim.


    Anyway, I presume the insurance is under Welcome own name not mine and I presume they have a block of insurance policies and not just one for me.


    God welcome really annoy me, they are still at it. I'm sure like postggj says they don't even take out policys for their loans. I believe they use someone called "Direct Group" who administers there PPI policys.



  4. joolzh13 I hear your concerns, I only opened this account as a secondary bank account to manage my food and petrol.

    The thing is I put a certain amount of money in the account and spent every other day and kept an eye on my available balance online until it was say £5 then stopped using it. Unfortunatly Halifax have a really sneeky way of holding back card payments that they have authorised until you spend more money off the available balance and then WAM!! they apply them to your account so they can make money.


    Fortunatly I will probably be able to pay the £133 until I get the claim sorted but I feel for the low income people that they seem to pray on time and time again.


    Can anyone tell me if they have put the charges claim on hold until based on a court hearing or are people still starting new claims?



  5. Hello everyone


    I am really anoyed today as I have received a letter from the Haifax for 3 paid item fees each £35 and obviously the unauthorised O/D fee of £25.


    I keep this account in check 100% and check the available balance evryday on the internet, how can Halifax get away with this £133 for letter the card authorise even though no money was in the account :evil:


    The way I see it bank charges are unavoidable, what is the point of even having a bank account you may aswell carry cash around with you to be sure some leech doesn't try and make any possible money they can out of you.


    What the deal now I won with halifax last year, has things changed? Can you still claim charges back etc. I guess I need to pay the charges first and then close the account and start the claim before they spiral out of control





  6. ok I will send the letter tomorrow, so I just need to thank them for their letter and send a copy of the same letter they sent me?

    Also I need to include just this paragraph and that's it?


    "Full copies or transcripts of any correspondence in postal, email or any other format which you have entered into with any individual, organization or third party which contains my personal or financial, or which pertains to me, including correspondence to the underwriter of any insurance policies and details of the relevant Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) payable on any single premium policies. Please ensure this includes how much tax was payable, who payment was made to and the date of this payment. "


  7. Should I still send them a letter even though I only sent the LBA last week on the 10/12/2008. This was a response to my first letter dated 19Nov which they ignored and now they decide to reply probably after they have received the LBA the other day.


    I just don't want to get off track here, can I not use the normal route that all other PPI claiments use, or does that not seem to work with welcome?



  8. hi mark


    again welcome refuse to answer my questions in post 5


    if i were you send welcome a letter thanking them for there response, enclose a copy, and say











    Oh I know tell me about it, they just don't seem to think they are doing anything wrong. Has anybody successfully claimed PPI back from them on this forum?

  9. Hi everyone


    I have recieved a letter from welcome finance.


    Letter extracts


    "I enclose the credit agreement signed by you at the time of taking the secured load agreement. This shows the insurance purchased, namely payment protection insurance (PPI) and the fact it is optional."


    "At the time of inception of this agreement, Direct Group Ltd, the administrators of the insurance policy, would have sent a Policy schedule and additional information to you." This never happened and I'm sure I never heard from these

    "I would like to take this opportunity to draw your attention to the fact that the credit agreement XXXXX was executed correctly on XXXX 2004. In view of the date on which this agreement was executed, I would like to make reference to the compulsory legislation we have complied with at the time in question"


    The letter goes on to say some stuff about the consumer credit act.

    "On 27th February 2003, Welcome Finance Service Ltd became a member of the voluntary code of conduct know as the General Insurance standards council (GISC) etc etc"


    "Welcome finance have been authorised to advise and arrange insurance products by the FSA" Yikes!!

    "You have alleged mis-selling may have occurred. This would involve the sale of a policy or policies that was/were not relevant to the person insured, or on which they were unable to claim. Based on our Knowledge of the legislation in force at the time of your application, no prescriptive advice and recommendation process existed within the industy of the nature that now exists. As such, the principles you seek to rely on did not exist at the time of application. As a result, I am unable to concur that mis-selling took place"


    So I take it from this paragraph they are saying that when the policy was taken the new legislation was not in force so that makes it ok to mis-sell PPI to me

    "In your letter you have stated that you have paid a single premium policy and did not see your loan through to the end as you paid your loan early.

    After reviewing your records, I can see that you recieved a PPI rebate of £634 on XXX 2006. This figure was deducted from your settlement figure that you had to pay."


    This is a load of nonsense in my opinion, I still cannot get my head around this calculation to this day I hope someone can enlighten me(see orginal post for details)

    "Should you remain dissatisfied with our final response, you can escalate your complaint to the financial ombudsman"


    "If you should decide to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman

    Service (FOS), should the sale of this policy have occurred prior to our registration with the GISC or FSA, we would request your complaint to be dismissed under the FOS rule DISP 3.3.1 (3) R based on the information given above"


    This letter has made me even more determined to expose this orginisation, even if don't get any money back for my mis-sold PPI, I would like other potential victims to be aware of what they are capable of. :-|






  10. hello ghostdog (welcome) long time no see



    welcome are very worried over this matter ref the insurance

    there empire is just about to come crashing down


    as stated before, direct group and welcome have a nice cosy relationship to screw the consumer


    one of the reasons also that welcome are keeping very quiet is that welcome will have to show it paid pennies for the insurance, if any, and charged the consumer a fortune.


    message for ghost dog


    welcome sold this insurance so it is down to them to show all details on it


    mark, include details in post 5


    to cover your self, send a letter to direct group, ask for this info, dont worry about an Subject Access Request, just a normal letter by recorded delievery



    Ok thanks for the advice Postggj, I will get both letters sent off asap.

    Will update when I receive any correspondence. :)

  11. If Welcome don't provide the insurance then it's not really surprising that they didn't provide any insurance about it, is it...?


    Did you think about maybe asking the insurance company...?



    Welcome provided me with next to no information of who the company was who looked after my insurance at the time. From memory I remember a name called Direct Group I think but can't be sure! Postggj - What am I looking for them to include in the Subject Access Request regarding insurance so I can double check that they have not included it before sending the second letter.


    As I said in my previous post all they sent to me in the sars was a bunch of statements, letters and Telephone conversations and the signed copy of the credit agreement

  12. Hi everyone

    I have now finally received the compliance information, as postggj predicted I cannot find anything on it relating to the insurance only the original credit agreement which it was written on.

    I have also received a bunch of letters stating what payments i made to the account and a full list of telephone conversions with them and that’s it.

    Some of the telephone conversations below are hilarious, the most unprofessional company I have dealt with

    Quote: “cm has been made redundant she attempted to mk a claim on PPI but they told her she must go on the dole”

    Quote: “Asked customer about arrears on loan, he advised that he is still struggling to pay these, asked if he would be interested in D4@L.”

    There are loads more too, it’s makes for angry reading

    Any guidance on the next steps I need to take? :)

  13. Hi


    So should I just forget about the letters I have sent already and just send this S.A.R letter?


    I have the original agreement from welcome and a copy of my account statement already.


    The loan was brokered through HFS loans to welcome finance and my agreement was with them.


    Full Story


    Ok, where do I start with this one as it will probably go on for a bit.


    I am really angry with welcome finance, what they have done to myself and my girlfriend is despicable!!


    If anyone can be bothered reading on please do so and any advice would be greatly received.

    I know other people have had issues with these robotic turds and I decided to start my own post because my case seems a little different.


    Ok, basically on February 2004 myself and my partner took out a secured loan with welcome finance for £12000 secured on our property to pay off debt etc as we had no other choice and HFC Loans brokered us onto them.

    My plan was to pay the loan for 2 years and when I sell my home I could pay the loan off.

    The payments were £243 per month and I could afford this until I could settle the loan.

    Now everything was going accourding to plan until June 2004 when my partner was made redundant from her job and we could no longer afford the monthly payments, we checked the loan details and found that we did have Payment Protection ”Which we never [edited] asked for!!” and called welcome finance to make a claim, they advised us that we could not claim unless we were claiming jobseekers allowance and they would send us a claim form out which never happened.


    Bare with me :-)


    A couple of missed payments later and frantically trying to get money together to meet the monthly payments I agreed to pay half payments each month by debit card until I got back on track and could settle the damn thing as they were not helpful in anyway.

    I was tied into a 2 year deal on my mortgage so I would get a penalty if I tried to pay it of at this point so had to wait it out until March 06 to re mortgage and clear this bl**dy loan.


    The time came and I asked welcome for a Settlement Statement and they sent me one and wanted £17,871.90 at which point I nearly lost it. How [edited] can a £12000 loan over 2 years come to this and I have already paid payments of £4889.28. I asked them why the hell is it this high and they said the 4 payments I missed totaling £900+ had been accruing interest and that’s why is was so high! I looked at my statement for the entire term and the PPI was £2800 and was added at the start of the loan and also something called Disbursal of fees was £1555. So my £12000 loan actually was £16300 [edited]. :evil: :evil:

    We tried to offer £13500 as settlement but they had us over a barrel with the charge on the house so I had no choice but to settle when we re mortgaged to get rid of it.

    I promised myself I would try and do something about it when I had finished claiming my bank charges, and now is the time to get started with this dirty finance company if I can.




    So in summary I borrowed £12000 over a two year period and ended up paying them back around £23000 in total :evil: . I just need advice as to what angle I should take on trying to claim back the PPI as they never paid the 4 missed payments and surely if they charged my £2800 for it they should have paid the monthly payments and we wouldn’t have got into this mess and we never asked for the PPI either.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated with this one





  14. Hi,


    Thanks for coming back to me so quickly!


    It was a £12,000 personal secured loan which has now been settled in full.


    I sent the letter to the head office address (Ruddington Lane, Nottingham), it's good to hear that other people have had similar problems though - at least I know it's nothing personal!


    I have dealt with welcome over the phone and I have written a few letters to them in the past when I had the loan and I know that they are a nasty bunch!


    Thanks again

  15. Hi all,


    I'm looking for a bit of advice about my Welcome finance PPI claim.


    2 months ago I sent the first letter to welcome asking for my money back that I had paid for PPI - I sent this special delivery to the head office address but received no reply even though this had been signed for.


    Since then I have sent the second letter, again by special delivery to the head office address saying that if I do not hear back within 14 days I will refer my claim to the financial ombudsman.

    It has now been 14 days and I still haven't received a reply even though the letter was signed for on 30/10.


    Would you recommend that I now go to the ombudsman or should I give them a bit longer to reply?

    Has anyone else tried to contact welcome and received no reply or do they just take a while to write back?


    Any advice would be much appreciated! :rolleyes:

  16. Hi Mark.


    I myself have won many charges back from welcome finance and I think the best was is to tell you how I succeeded.


    Firstly I made a list (which almost made me sick when I realised how much I had been taken to the fair) of all the charges:


    1. arrangement fees

    2. letter / phone call fees.

    3. ppi other fees (were u charged for home insurance and medicare also?)

    4. settlement fees (Although this is normally regulated)

    5. payments made

    6. interest charged


    etc etc. get your total (which you have already done, but break it down)


    If you had been charged for ppi and not had a chance to use it, and in actual fact, were not informed that this would be added into the account, this is a big way to push ahead. HOWEVER if you did use the ppi, then you cannot really use this. The same applies if you were charged for medicare and home insurance and other bits that they add on.


    Then write a letter asking for an explanation for the excessive charges which you are not happy about. (You will get a refund of all the letter fees and phone call fees, missed payment fees without any doubt.) In your letter, explain that you are extremely unhappy with the total amount that you have paid on the loan etc. as you were never informed or given an explanation for them (especially arrangement fees, and unfair charges)


    Also ask them if they could investigate these fees and reply within 14 days. Print 3 copies of this letter.


    At the top of the letter, when you are inserting the companies address, put the local office, followed by the compliance office, and thirdly your local trading standards office. Post a copy to the local office and the welcome compliance office and put the trading standards copy in an envelope for 14 days (give them the benefit of the doubt) This way the local office knows you are complaining to their head office and trading standards and will take it seriously. The local office loses a bonus for complaints put through to the compliance office! Head office will know that you have contacted the branch, and trading standards and put the pressure on to them to sort it.


    When I did this, the area manager called me and asked me how much would it take to sort it! Ha ha, I had the ppi and insurances refunded, the unfair charges refunded and a goodwill gesture of £250. Since my loan was not as big as yours, this was a big gesture from them.


    When I contacted ts, they said that the insurances were clearly ticked on the agreement with the arrangement fees and so they would have difficulty fighting this for me. So the fact that they refunded SOME was a big bonus



    Good Luck



    Hi mcvey123

    Thanks for the sound advice, after careful consideration and reading other posts on the forum I have decided to claim back only the PPI+ Interest as I see this as missold and they never honored it even when we missed payment’s.

    I just need to work out what interest I am able to charge on it, the way I see it is they added £2837 for PPI at the start of the loan, and they have had my money now for 2 years so add 20%APR £3971.80 :)

    Not sure if I can go down this root but they charged me this on the loan so why shouldn't I charge them.


  17. If you haven't done so, have a good read of this Step-By-Step Instructions. You have a number of different issues going on here, but if you follow the procedures on here, you can start to unravel them. Once you have started, there will be loads of people on here who will answer queries you have. If I'm wrong, and you HAVE read the step-by step instructions, where are you starting?



    Hi Ladybird


    I have read the Step by Step instructions and successfully claimed bank charges back from Halifax, Lloyds and Barclays are going to settle soon I hope.


    The difference I see here is claiming back PPI and also Charges (Not penalty's) that were added to the start of the loan and if I can do this, I guess I need to know what other people are claiming for and see how we can tackle this. Even though this is harsh I think I will need a strong case if I take it to court and am sure if a judge saw this he would rule in my favor :)


    It would be nice to know if anyone has been successful in getting something back they have paid to welcome and not them just canceling PPI when the loan is still running.



  18. Hello guys, i believe this it the largest WF forum on this site...

    I need some big help to culculate the amount i have to claim From WF for the mis-sold PPI...I belive thay used rule 78 to charge the intrest..and in balance colum in statements put intrest on loan, PPI, Healthcare, Intrest on it together.... Can some body let us know how didi you culculate the amount you are claiming?



    Thank you.


    Kind regards,




    Hi itsmeandonlyme


    Everyone is with you on this. Check out my post http://www.consumeractiongroup.c o....e-finance.html I am doing the same, they used the Rule 78 when calculating my settlement figure, it looks to be some kind of complicated math’s formula that is not

    in favor of the borrower if you settle early .

    I tried working it out at the time and it depends on when the loan was settled month etc.



  19. Can I just ask you a couple of things?...

    Who underwrites the PPI?


    And I'm a bit confused about the redundancy bit! You originally said your partner was made redundant, bu later you say you were made redundant?


    Whichever one of you it was, it seems you didn't register as unemployed - is there any particular reason why you didn't do this?


    On the charges side, I would be looking to reclaim - they are horrendous - are you planning to start claiming?


    On the PPI you can go for mis-sold- do you have a copy of the original agreement with Welcome?


    Hi LadyBird17


    Just to clear things up, the loan was taken out by me and my partner secured on our property which we are both joint owners of. To my knowledge the loan was in both our names but welcome informed us it was only in my girlfriends and any correspondence would have to be with her, this was really annoying as I tend to deal with the finances. When I queried this they said that I just agreed to the Legal Charge but the loan was only in my partner’s name.

    It was my girlfriend who was made redundant from her job and I was also out of work at the time.


    We tried to claim jobseekers allowance and I think we did in the end but we were scared of them taking the house off us so I kept paying them in little amounts until we both got jobs again and missed a total of about 4 months payments, I then proceeded to pay £50 a month on top of the monthly payment of £243 to pay the missed payments off.


    I am 100% going to start a claim to get something back off them as I feel I have been (EDIT)Blind, but I don't really have a clear idea of what I can potentially claim at the moment "any advice"


    I have an original copy of the credit agreement which includes the PPI (£2837) and Mortgage Indemnity Fee (£1320) and Acceptance Fee (£235). Also they slapped on Homecare (£125) Lifecare (£175) Medicare (£300).


    The problem is that it has been signed by my girlfriend and a witness’s signature which is my bloody Mums.

    I would have never agreed to this if I new they would add it to the £12000 and charge interest on it, so like I said before the loan totaled £16392.26 before we even started to pay it so in 2 years it looks like we only paid them the PPI and these other fees back and then settled for £17871.90.


    I really hate this company :-x :-x



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