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Posts posted by railroader

  1. Hi folks, this is my first post on the RBS forum as i've just started off with Mint to claim back £120, i know thats not much but hey every pound counts! Sent Approach for payment letter 30th Aug, received reply today 1 day over the 14 day deadline for a response and this is what they told me



    "we consider that our charges are fair,reasonable and compliant with all applicable laws and regulations. " blah blah blah


    " It is not our policy to refund late payment or over limit fees that were charged previously at a higher level at the time that the fee was incurred" in other words they ain't going to pay up anything before they lowered their fees,


    Tough! LBA will be getting sent anyway, bye bye for now.

  2. thanx for your reply, but 14 "working days" is the 19th not the 13th not counting weekends, but yes we were both wrong. Anyway i'm still going to pop a letter off to Halifax to ask for the rest of my money and if a full refund is not forthcoming then the old Moneyclaim will be issued on the 19th! Does anyone know how to print off the online interest calulator without all the other stuff on the page?

  3. Hello peeps! its been a while since i posted , so heres a quick rundown of the state of play. Sent a Prelim Letter to halifax on the 8/8/06, 14 day deadline was 29/8/06 for a response, nothing! so Letter before action sent 30/8/06, reply received finally 7/9/06 with the standard "we are sorry you are unhappy", then today received another letter with an offer! A goodwill gesture of £400, yes thanks i'll have the £400 , but i'll have the other £1775 as well you toe rags ! So yet another letter to be sent back to Halifax asking for the rest within 14 days or they will be getting the court claim. I kind of hope it goes to that stage as i could double my money with the interest and costs, I'm not greedy am i ? Just reclaiming whats rightfully mine , right ! see you soon.

  4. :confused: Received my statements from Halifax card services yesterday, but also received a letter acknowledging receipt of my request for the above and they will soon follow, but must have caught up with each other, but the intresting thing is and i quote from they're letter is,


    "with regard to your request for information relating to manual intervention on your account,HBOS plc is under no statutory obligation to record this information and therefore, i am unable to assist further with your request."


    Is that right ? I thought under the DPA they have to record anything like that don't they? can some one advise thanx

  5. hi everyone, haven't been on for a while, been awaiting halifax's response to my prelim approach for payment for just over 2k, 14 days ends on bank hol mon but expecting something back last minute tomorrow or sat! If they don't reply without an offer is it the LBA stage? Also, how does everyone get all the little writing on to they're threads , you know, every update by someone has all the action history on each thread, not everyone sits at a computer all day

  6. When reading through the Prelim Letter for Repayment, there's a bit in the What I Require sub heading thats confusing me? I've been running in my overdraft for most of the year, so obviously i'm getting charged for having a agreed overdraft, so how can i work out what to reclaim? On my statements it has Interest Debited-notified then the amount, for example £18.65, is that what the bank is charging me for having the overdraft or is that what i need to reclaim.

  7. I may be just being thick, or i just can't find the right thread, but i don't have any of the Excel,Word,Office programs to open the spreadsheets, is there something else i can do to work this out? Also, is the 8% added to each charge or worked out over the whole amount being claimed?

    could someone get back to me as soon as poss as i'm wanting to get this sorted to post tomorrow, thanks

  8. At last, 18 days after ordering my statements through my local branch, our local postie delivered 42 envelopes !! All 212 pages,thats five years worth, they sure know how to waste money in postage! Any way after spending a few hours totting up what they've charged me it comes to a grand total of £2056 without adding the intrest.


    so i suppose the next step will be the Prelim Approach for Payment letter, also sent 5 other Subject Access letters off today, Mint,Lloyds Card Services, GE Money,Halifax Card Services,Capital One, three of these i closed last year but i'm still going to chase them!!


    Keep you informed, see you all later, ta ta

  9. just a quick question, if you were close to your limit on your credit card, had missed one months payment and had missed the next payment, but had previously been up to date with paying, then they charge you for missing those payments and it puts you over your limit, are they breaking their own rules by putting me over ??

  10. hi everyone, finally found the halifax page! i put a note on the welcome forum last night to say that i had gone into my local branch yesterday and requested six years of statements as i had shredded all mine last year, doh! needless to say they have ordered them for me, they were going to charge me £5 but then the assistant double checked an e-mail they had received from head office and refunded my £5! so its worth trying your branch if handy.


    i,ll keep everyone kept up to speed on how i get on, good luck everyone!!

  11. i went into my local branch of halifax today and requested six years worth of statements, no problem they say, ok i thought,wait for it, there will be a small fee to pay they said , yes i said, that will be five pounds! no probs i said, oh they said, just one moment while i double check that as we,ve had a e-mail this week from head office, no sir no fee, let me refund that five pounds back to your account. spot on! go try yourselves!!

    i bet they won,t be so forgiving when i tot up how much they owe me!!

  12. hello everyone, i ve just managed to log on for the first time after having some computer probs, but am amazed at what everyone is achieving! I'm ready to tackle Halifax who has screwed me for the last 5 years, and possibly all the credit card companys that i've dealt with within the last 6 years, how about the wifes store cards!


    look forward to anyones views and advice

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