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Posts posted by ash95

  1. hi,


    I entered a judgement and gave Lloyds until Friday to pay up. i heard nothing but got a letter this morning saying that they has settled. I did have to ring SC&M but they had already settled on Monday without letting me know so check your account regulary.

    Good luck in whatever you decide to do.

  2. Thanks Barty.


    Well i gave them a call on 7th and they took my details etc and said someone would call me back but i heard nothing.


    Got up today wondering where to go next and nice little postman has just dropped a letter through my door from SC&M!!! YES!! They have paid in full by crediting my credit card account! I am so pleased as i did have doubts that i had done the right thing but this is how they want you to feel to deter you from reclaiming charges. So good luck to everyone out there and dont give up...


    Thanks to everyone that has helped me I couldnt have done it without you.


    PS. Can someone change the title of my thread please. ***WON****


  3. Hi all,


    I have been following a couple of threads and reading up. I have given Lloyds until next Friday to pay the judgement by default but i am in no doubt that they will continue to ignore me. I am thinking about trying to contact the legal dept to tell them the situation at MCOL and to ask for their comments. Do anyone have any advice and contact numbers?

    All advice is greatly appreciated at this point...

  4. Today i phoned MCOL and the lady was very helpful and explained everything that i could do and what were my options as they had had no acknoledgement from Lloyds. Then I went online and started the judgement. I wasn't sure about the requesting payment bit but I went ahead and requested payment in full by the 9th March which i felt was a reasonable ammount of time. The other option was to tick for an immediate payment. I also added on 21 days interest at 8% (using my calculation from earlier of £0.12/day). Can i have some opinions please as im reasonably sure this was ok but would like some advice.


  5. Well tonight i have been on MCOL and the claim still reads as issued. I now need some quite urgent advice as what to do next...PLEASE...

    Obviously LLoyds have not acknowledged and i dont know what happens now. also i have not checked any balances on my credit card. is it likely they would have paid the money into there as i have a nil balance and haven't used the card for over a year?

    Any advice now is much appreciated. Ta.

  6. Hello again,


    Friday tomorrow and Lloyds have until Monday to acknowledge my claim. i have just been on MCOL and it still reads as 'issued 31.01.07'. Can someone explain what will happen now if they dont acknowledge on Monday or should i make phone calls tomorrow to Lloyds etc? What is the best thing to do now to bring this to a speedy resolution? Any help is much appreciated.


  7. Well I have done my claim and it was issued on 31.01. Lloyds have until 19th February to reply. Lets see what happens...

    If I dont hear anything from the court or Lloyds by say the 17th is there any action I should be taking? any advice is much appreciated at this stage.



  8. Hi,


    Thanks for that. Could somone just have a look at this please? i just dont want to get things wrong.


    here is the text for my MCOL ;


    Claimant has an account xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with the Defendant since before October 2000. Since 11/01/01 the Defendant debited charges in respect of purported breaches of contract. Defendant is aware of all details as a list of charges has already been supplied. Another copy will be sent. Claimant contends: (a) The charges exceed the Defendant's losses caused by the breaches; (b) The Term permitting the Defendant to levy such charges is unenforceable under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999, Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 and at Common Law. Claimant claims: (a) return of the amounts debited of £xxx.00; (b) Interest per S.69 County Courts Act 1984 of 8% - £xxx.00 continuing at 8% until judgment or settlement at a daily rate of £0.12p; Alternatively, if the charges are a fee for a service, then they must be reasonable under S.15 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982. Costs allowed by the Court.

    One other question too.. the first charge applied takes me over 6 years by about 3 weeks (Charge applied on 11.01.01) so do i need to remove this and sent another schedule to Lloyds?

    Your help is much appreciated. Thanks.

  9. hi,


    just need some advice on timscales as i have been a bit slow what with christmas etc etc (not really a good excuse) but anyway, prelim letter sent 9.11.06 and reply received 20.11.06, this stated that further communication has to be sent to lloyds by 15.01.07. LBA sent 28.11.06 and reply received 4.12.06 'thank you for your further letter dated 28th Nov, the contents of which have been duly noted. I am afraid that the banks position has not changed in this matter and for the avoidance of doubt we refer you to the contents of our letter dated 20th Nov.'


    now, am i too late to do my MCOL? i have only just noticed this and am worried that they will have closed my file at LTSB. do i take it that they have given a deadline of 15th Jan? i am ready to file MCOL tomorrow so any help would be much appreciated.



  10. Hi everyone,


    LBA sent 28th November and had the usual sod off reply etc. Need some help now please on the following issues...


    1. Can I use MCOL and can I use more or less the same wording i used for my claim for my current account?


    2. Is there a special template for claiming late fees on credit cards when filing my MCOL?


    3. Can anyone give advice at this stage that will help me as I would like to get this claim filed this week?



    Thanks for your help.

  11. Hi all,


    I have a query on account closure. A&L are closing my account on 4th December. I have another account to use so i'm not that bothered. However, I would like to know if this will affect me applying for credit in the future? My credit rating is not too bad as i have checked with the CRA's. Can A&L put any notices etc on my credit rating? How does it all work. I have a letter ready to send re retaliation etc etc. Can anyone advise on this?



  12. hi Phillip,


    I too have received an account closure letter today. I'm lucky to have another account with Barclays but I didn't want my account closing. What i would like to know is, has anyone written to A&L in protest of their account closure? How does this account closure affect your credit rating if at all? Has anyone been sucessful in stopping an account closure?


    any help will be much appreciated.

  13. hi again,


    Still no news on my statements and they have not cashed my cheque yet. What I want to know is can I still claim the 'late charges' on my credit card statements (i have about a years worth but am waiting for the full lot) even though the OFT have reported on these credit card charges. What I am trying to say is, can still attempt to claim these charges back even though LLoyds may have now reduced this charge to £12ish??? Is there a different spreadsheet for calculating credit card charges other than the one I used for A&L bank charges? Any help would be much appreciated whilst I am waiting for statements etc.



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