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Posts posted by cassiel

  1. Hello,


    Checked online today and the BOS have cashed the £10.00 cheque I handed over along with my Data Protection Act letter. So I'm assuming my back statements will be on their way soon'ish. Won't be holding my breath, though, their forty day deadline doesn't expire until August 17th.

  2. Hi All,


    Newcomer to this Forum here - finally spurred into taking some action after (Yet) another £30.00 charge for going £2.00 and some change over my O/D limit, a couple of days ago.


    I've had a fairly thorough read of this site (Especially the FAQ's) and the GLC's and I think I'm reasonably up to speed with what I need to do but I'm sure I'll need some more specialist advice at some point during the process so I thought I'd get on here and introduce myself.


    Delivered my Data Protection Act letter by hand to my BOS branch in Stirling today. The guy I gave it to looked a bit worried when I handed it over and asked for a receipt. I don't know if they've been seeing an increase in this sort of thing lately (I hope they have!) or if he was just one of life's natural worriers.


    Anyway, he asked me if "I wanted to speak to anyone about this", which I thought was fairly pointless - what were they going to do/say? What did he think I was going to do/say, other than just repeat what was in the letter - and I just smiled and said, "No, Thankyou.", very politely; waited for my receipt and then left. Most fun I'd had in a bank in ages.


    So now, by my calculation, BOS have until 17/08/2006 to accede to my DPA request. Seems like I've got a lot of sitting around to do until then but I'm going to keep reading these forums, see what other useful info I can pick up and, of course, offer my support, as much as possible to anyone else going through the same process. United We Stand!



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