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Posts posted by moffie

  1. I hope this helps.


    Forgive me if you have already tried this, but if your income fell below a certain level, then the council will send you forms for proof of income etc.


    It may depend on your area but it is fair to assume that if your income was/is low, they won't be able to charge you so much council tax anyway if you just can't pay it?


    Court costs can then be levied. Well you can't get blood out of a stone can you? (at least not after banks drank the last drop...:eek: )


    Just keep paying £5 a week and agree this with them. If your income is found low, you may well get this back anyway.


    Hopefully after issuing the forms to you, and you aggreeing (even over the phone) for you to repay a little a week, the council will withdraw the baliff immediatly.


    Good luck,


  2. Hello all

    :?: I have a question.


    Please do not jump down my throat for my simplicity :p but in such cases aren't we putting our faith in the Karma principle that these badly behaved companies probably have coming to them?


    My story:

    My account with NatWest caught me out when I least expected it, just as I was keeping my head above rather rough financial waters.


    To cut a long story short I was plunged into the spiralling cost of bank charges of which I couldn't pay back...I expect that most of you know what I mean.


    The thing that gets me is that as a result of this Banks actions in relation to my finance and their unsympathetic and I'd say rather cruel nature in conversations; I suffered very very nearly loosing my home and business, actually then going onto a benefit (Which the bank got in paying off charges before I found you guys.) and consequently a lack of confidence which seriously threatened both my ability to cope and run my business and therefore my quality of life as a whole and in turn my spouse’s quality of life... for over a year- and that's without children to care for. :-x


    If this were anything like my imagination tells me so, :rolleyes: ...there should be a heck of a lot of compensation rolling around for all those lost years and months that many people like myself have suffered at the hands of Legal or not so legal criminals.

    I realise that a lot of people are getting their money back now as the word spreads

    But, in view of the rest whom might well have no idea (or computer abilities:razz:)

    and are suffering terribly, we (as presumably good folk...) have a responsibility to put a stop to this.


    The 'bank' obviously cares not one cent if it is responsible in any way for contributing to pain by living a 'vampire-like' existence on the most vunerable -as it continues to worship money but why do we let them get away with it? All that heartache that, as far as I am aware, British Justice would not wish to be seen to support.

    Can not a big case finally put a stop to these mad charges?

    (and so sails the big ship idealism)


    Yours, not Amused, Moffie



    My curiosity extends perhaps to why hasn't this happened yet? I'm sure there is a good reason. -i.e. Is this a mad idea, and should I stick to my Karma theory! :p



  3. Hi


    I am at exactly the same stage with NatWest as Jlchilton. I have been filling out the money claim online Particulars of claim, when I remembered reading that you must give the bank fourteen days to reply or you may loose your right to claim.


    I know that Natwest have given me a statement that they consider themselves to be in the right....but it did come back pritty swiftly so I am wondering if they are trying to catch me out?

    I haven't found the appropriate advice for this particular type of letter on the 'Step-by-Step Instructions' page i.e stage 3.

    The letter for stage 4 seems to be if you had no response so I presume it doesn't apply to me.

    Excuse me for being picky but it's a lot of money and I need to make sure I get it right!


    Yours gratefully Samantha


    P.S Fantastic site!

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