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Posts posted by bumblebee12

  1. Hi,

    a family member incurred a police fine in the UAE about 3 years ago (their car was pulled over and there was a bottle of alcohol in the boot).

    Since then they have returned home to the UK - this fine was partially paid.

    We received letters from IDR a couple of years ago which stated that the fine had been passed to Emirates NBD and was now sat with Emirates either in an account or on a credit card (we never got to the bottom of it) - after reading this we began contact with IDR and set up a payment plan, however after making a small payment we cancelled it as, to be honest, we weren't entirely sure of the legitimacy of it all.

    We never heard anything after this from IDR until a couple of weeks ago - we have recently moved house and they must have obtained our new address as the letters have started again. They are asking us to contact them to set up a payment plan. 

    Our issue is

    - we have no documentation of the fine being passed to Emirates,

    no Emirates account number,

    no details at all and so all our information is based on a letter from IDR which gives us an account reference which is all blanked out apart from the last 4 digits, and an outstanding balance amount in AED.

    It also doesn't detail any payments we have already made either directly off the fine when it was first received, or when we made a small payment via IDR a couple of years ago. 

    What would people suggest is the best way forward in this situation?

    To put it in to context, we have rented all our lives but have recently bought our first house, this is now weighing heavily on us as the last thing we would want to happen is for it to put our house at risk, incur a CCJ etc. Any advice gratefully received. 

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