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The old Scotsman

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Posts posted by The old Scotsman

  1. From what i have read and following my own experience its difficult to understand how ECU Solutions scores Average on Trust pilot, it should have a negative score. 

    I'm not sure about the legal situation in regard to calling the activities illegal but they must be pretty close, it strange that so many vehicles all have the same or similar faults identified when the fall into the habds of this man.

  2. Hi, thanks for your reply. 

    The person I refer to  is the subject of several posts on this site and the



    Reading this makes me wonder what the business model is. I get cars in, we fix them as quickly as possible as we want them collected and paid for...

    he is,

    Jack Wilkinson          Also appears to be, UK169

    ECU Solutions   

    3 The Drive


    Essex CM13 3FR


    I live in Perthshire in Scotland and have not visited the site ., I now believe it is a virtual office. A friend who lives in Essex made contact but Jack arranged to meet him outside and said he could not view my vehicle as it was in a military secured compound, which i now find very difficult to believe.

    Do you think it would be possible to recover any of my money, I have no receipts but do have bank statement showing payments to ECU Solutions totalling £ 6500.00. Clearly I would wish to recover all my funds if possible.


  3. I must apologise for the lack of clarity in my post, when i referred to, the old guff reported on here, i mean that several people have had similar experiences with this company/individual and he appears to have a range of scenarios which he gives in response to  victims seeking updates on their vehicles. these range form Covid to cancer treatment, family members health problems etc. this is the old guff i referred to, I suspect he just makes it up as he goes along.


    Any garage who can't fix an old basic diesel engine is clearly not to be trusted.

  4. The motorhome saga.




    In 2017 the above motorhome suffered a catastrophic engine failure while I was in the southern part of Spain, The head gasket blew and caused a lot of damage to the engine, the local Fiat dealer suggested a repair cost of around 10,000 euros. An amount I could not afford to pay.


    Given the cost I decided to search the internet for a UK based company who could source a replacement engine, my insurance company had already agreed to fund the repatriation of the vehicle to a UK garage where the repair could be carried out.


    I placed an ad on the internet seeking a replacement engine and was subsequently contacted by a company who trade as ECU Solutions 3 The Drive Brentwood Essex CM13 3FR ECUSolutions@aol.co.uk 07496028098 // 01277725022


    A representative of the company advised me a replacement engine could be fitted, with a two year warranty for the sum of £2000.00. I checked the company website – www.ecu-solutions.net where the testimonials were excellent with many satisfied customers speaking highly of the service they had received.


    Given this I decided to go ahead and had the vehicle transported from Motril. Spain to the ECU Solutions address in Brentwood. I authorised the vehicle transport on 26/7/2017.


    Once the vehicle had arrived with them I was contacted by Jack ( the only person I have ever had contact with) and advised the engine was unserviceable and would therefore incur an additional cost of £1000. as per company policy.


    I agreed to this but said, that as I did not have the funds to hand immediately that they should hold off on the work for a month until I accessed the funds, this was agreed. On 18th August 2017 I paid, via bank transfer the sum of £3000.00. to ECU Solutions


    In September 2017 I was advised by Jack at ECU Solutions that there was a problem with the fuel injection system, caused by the engine having overheated, the cost to replace the fuel injection system - £2000.


    Given the amount I had already paid out on this vehicle and the assurances I received from Jack that it would be money well spent as the van was solid. I went ahead and paid a further £2000.00 to ECU Solutions on the 15th September 2017. During this time I continued to initiate contact with ECU Solutions in order to seek and update on the status of the vehicle.


    In November 2017 I was advised the ECU was faulty and would need repair or replacement at a cost of £1500.00. I had now paid out so much money that I felt I had no option but to complete the repairs


    on 24th November I paid ECU Solutions a further £1500.00. With hindsight this all seems incredibly stupid of me, and it is, but at the time my wife who has Alzheimer Disease was extremely unwell and her illness required her admission to long term residential care. This was an extremely stressful time for me and led to my own diagnosis of cancer in 2017/2018 and several periods of hospitalisation with Sepsis.


    My son at the time was 13 years old and in need of a great deal of care and support and I clearly wasn't thinking straight or logically. I have tried consistently to facilitate the repair and return of my vehicle, but each time I contact ECU Solutions, (Jack), I am given numerous excuses as to why the repair has not been carried out. e.g. Jack's own cancer treatment ?? Ongoing difficulty with parts His wish to keep my costs down, so he doesn't have someone working on it full time.


    Ongoing Situation.

    I have contacted Jack on numerous occasions and am always given an excuse as to why the repair has not been completed. For a so called engineering garage not to be able to repair an old low tech vehicle causes me great concern. When I spoke with him in 2019 I was advised the hold up was now due to an electrical problem, which, surprise surprise would cost another £1500.00. to rectify, I have not made any further payments to ECU. Solutions.


    I spoke with Jack again on August 3rd 2021 I emailed him and and suggested I was considering seeking legal advice. He phoned me next day with more of the same excuses and telling me he is being admitted to hospital again due to his cancer, he always implies he is trying to help me and the implication being that he is this poor soul who has my best interests at heart. He then said it would be 2022 at least before the van repair was completed.


    Having made further internet searches I am now aware I am not the only person experiencing these problems with this company, where a pattern of problems appear to be identified by the garage which mirror my own experience with them as fuel injection, ecu and electrical issues being given to other ecu customers as to why their vehicles cannot be repaired without additional expense being incurred.


    www.vwt4forum.co.uk search ECU Solutions Brentwood Essex any reviews This forum lists a collection of stories all similar to my own. It also lists an alternative address.


    The van will be a sorry state now as its been sitting outside for 4 years. When I last spoke to Jack he suggested, if he couldn't repair the van that he would give me a refund of sorts, I don't think I want it back now. I've now paid this man £6500.00 and have nothing to show for it. I now feel its pretty clear I've been scammed and would welcome any advice as to how to resolve this matter.

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