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Rick Ross

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Posts posted by Rick Ross

  1. I don't have any evidence other than usually when working in IT for a company you have full access to confidential information (as I did in my last role). As I remember additional checks where also done when I first joined and some of the roles I'm applying for state I should have clearance. 


    I should say I have a part time driving job which I've done for years they run a DBS check on me every so often so I could possibly lose this job? Which is my only form of income at present if convicted is this worth mentioning?



  2. Hi Everyone,


    I've been really stressing out as the court date is fast approaching. I sent TFL the below email which they rejected and are continuing with court proceedings to claim the fares totalling around £240. 


    Dear ######,


    Thank you for your reply to my previous email. I have now received a requisition to appear at ############### court, in regards to the above case.


    I would like to again apologise for my actions against TFL. 


    At the time my partner had recently returned back to work from maternity leave I selfishly tried to evade payment therefore abusing the public transport system in an attempt to save money.


    A criminal record would be absolutely devastating for me and my family as my employment in I.T. requires a clean record. Since then I have paid my fares using my oyster card as I should have done and also made use of my bicycle more often as a responsible way to save on travel costs.


    At the time of this offence I was going through a very stressful point in my life with a newly born child and other stresses from work. I made a very poor decision that I have regretted ever since. I admitted what I had done to the Revenue Control Inspector and apologised. I have never done anything like this before and I’m truly ashamed of my actions. 


    I wish at all costs to avoid a criminal record and I am happy to make immediate payment of the unpaid fares and any incurred costs that my actions have caused to settle this matter.


    I acknowledge my wrong doings and promise not to make this mistake again.


    I hope that you consider my proposition and can show some leniency in this matter.


    Yours sincerely,




    Rejection email.

    After reminding me of the particulars of the case they continued with the following:


    "We have noted the mitigation you have supplied but we feel there is insufficient mitigation to persuade us that it is not in the public interest to continue with proceedings against you. We acknowledge your concerns with regarding a criminal conviction however you will note that you have only been charged for a breach of TfL’s byelaws and not under a more serious charge of Fraud. It is our view that a solitary charge of being stopped in a compulsory ticket area without a valid ticket will have prevent you from continuing in your current role and you have supplied no evidence to suggest otherwise.


    TfL believe that good warning is given to all passengers in relation to the possible implications of travelling without a valid ticket, and it is our view that you made a conscious decision to use the pass to avoid paying the fare. Under the circumstances we intend to proceed with the matter and we would advise that you should enter a plea to the charge. You will have the opportunity to provide your mitigation to the court which can be taken into account by the Magistrates at the sentencing stage."


    Please help! What do you suggest I do now? On the court requisition form there is a space for mitigating circumstances do I fill this in with the info I have already provided to TFL?






  3. Dear All,


    I've been summoned to court in November for using a freedom pass that I found.

    They looked at the card and found out that I had used it 58 times before getting caught.


    Before I received the court summons TFL sent me a letter asking me to confirm my name and address and that it was me.

    I sent them an email at the same time apologising and requesting an OOC settlement .


    TFL responded with the following:

    TFL take the misuse of high value freedom passes very seriously, especially in cases where there is evidence of previous misuse.

    I then received the summons.


    I feel ashamed of what I have done but I did it and deserve to be punished.

    I would like to avoid a criminal record if I can as this would definitely stop me from getting jobs in my current field.


    Would it be a good idea to send them another email informing them that I've since been made redundant and I'm afraid I will never get a job in my current field if I have a criminal record? I have never been in trouble with the law before so this is very stressful and worrying for me.




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