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Posts posted by Christie861

  1. Hi guys,


    I decided to share my story here after reading your valuable comments and feedback for numerous cases.


    I sent a parcel to another European country using DPD Local. My parcel contained, among others, a brand new laptop that was sent as a gift to my parents. Once the parcel arrived my parents opened it and couldn’t believe in their eyes. The laptop was missing, whilst everything else (shoes and some other cheap items) were still inside.


    After a closer look, there was extra transparent tape. Apparently someone cut open the box removed the laptop and resealed the box. I am appalled by this purposeful theft and lost faith to courier services. 

    I immediately reached to them they opened  a case for investigation but for the wrong reason (loss). After 2 weeks they got back to tell me that the parcel was delivered and case was closed. So I had to explain all over again the situation and open a second case (still under investigation). 

    in the meanwhile i made a claim through small claims court (issued on 2nd April). 14 days passed, no response, so a judgement by default was issued just today ( 23 April). The theft was also reported to the police and the laptop loss was logged.


    I would appreciate any advice , but I’d also like to raise awareness on the issue as I couldn’t find any similar stories online. 

    I’ll keep you posted


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