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Posts posted by webboooo

  1. The email that I received stated it was for;


    Being the registered keeper of vehicle *Vehicle Reg* at the registered address *my old address* which was found to be without the correct or continuous insurance when this was required on 05/12/18 in *town I live*. DVLA had on record that you were the registered keeper of the vehicle at the time of the offence on the logbook/V5.

    I guess I don’t have points on my license because I wasn’t driving the car with no insurance, just keeping it. 

  2. Update:


    yesterday whilst waiting for a call back from Marstons, I sent an email to KSS Enforcement (can’t remember where I found their email address) asking for information on the situation.


    I received a reply today with further details of the situation and also a contact number for the Single Justice Service to call and start an appeal.


    I spoke to them and they have made a referral for me to attend court and make a Statutory Declaration, I should hear back from the court in 5 days. They’re also contacting Marstons to arrange a further hold on proceeding from them.


    I had actually updated my address on everything bar the V5 for this vehicle, stupid I know, I just never got it done.

    Everything of the sort will be getting done right away in future!


    I’ll update this when I hear from the court.


    Thanks for all the advice!

  3. I didn't sorn it when the tax stopped,

    I did sorn it just before I got rid of it though, some time in June from what I remember.


    I'm fully expecting them to turn around and tell me to suck it up and pay but I'm hopeful something can be done.


    The company that are handling it are Marstons, who are a High Court Enforcement Agent.


    I checked my license already as I thought it might be something to do with speeding but I have no points.

  4. I'm pretty sure I've put myself in a lose lose situation but would like some advice.


    I've recently received a letter from a debt collection agency saying that I owe £660. This is the first I've heard of any fine.


    I called them 3 times today and requested a call back as per their automated line.

    Finally got a call back just now and they're saying it is a fine from last year for keeping a motor vehicle uninsured.


    They could not provide me with details of the vehicle though, they've put the case on hold until Wednesday whilst they request more information from the courts.

    I've been told to call them back on Wednesday to discuss it further, failure to do so will result in a visit from an enforcement agent.


    Long story short,

    my old car packed up in August 18, it then sat in a private parking space until July '19 when I got rid of it.

    It was taxed until the direct debit stopped for the year in March '19

    so there was a 4 month period when it was not taxed,

    although I thought it would not matter as it was in a private space.


    The reason this is the first I've heard of anything is because I hadn't updated my address on the V5 when I moved house in March '19.


    Is there anything I can do?

    I'm accepting the fact I'll have to pay something but not wanting to pay the full £660.

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