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Posts posted by Cerob

  1. My husband was involved in a non fault RTC where the at fault party passed away in the accident.

    We are now in the process of making a claim via the 3rd party insurer.

    We have been advised that the insurance could take many months to resolve.


    Our car is a total loss.

    It is currently in storage with the insurance company and will remain there until the settlement with the 3rd party is processed this could be months.


    in the interim we have purchased a new car  but we are receiving conflicting information about the following. 

    1) we wanted to declare our old car sorn but have been advised we must be in possession of the vehicle to do this eg on our drive 

    2) if the vehicle is not SORN we need to still pay tax - on a vehicle we can’t use 

    3) we have been advised the taxed vehicle must also have valid insurance even though it is a total loss and undriveable 


    therefore we are looking at now having 2 cars on the road one undriveable plus the new one. 

    insurance company telling us one thing dvla another. 

    any advice or knowledge greatly received 


    thank you 

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