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Posts posted by dtlew1984

  1. Hello Good afternoon i'm just looking to see please if anyone could advise me on my legal rights around my gas being capped by my housing association yesterday 


    We received a card around 4 weeks ago by the company who my housing association use to do the yearly gas safety check saying we missed their visit something we did not know about and no letter was received.  


    We then called to make a new appointment which was supposed to have been yesterday but i had completely forgotten about it until a reminder popped up on my phone yesterday morning. We had a funeral to attend to yesterday so called the number and explained everything to the lady and she advised it was not a problem and a new appointment could be rearranged.


    We attended the funeral and came home to a card stating that they had attended the property today and due to no access the engineer had capped the gas supply :( we had no hot water or heating, i have 4 young children so as you can imagine in november its chilly and we need heating and the children need to wash. 


    I Called the company to be told it was done legally because we had missed 3 visits ??? when i questioned her and also mentioned my call in the morning she then back tracked and said oh yes you have missed 2 and called. She said nothing will be done now until monday so we have to wait 2-3 days for him to come back out to uncapp the gas 


    Today i found last years gas safety certificate and was shocked to see that its still in date until the 12th December 2019 so my gas is still legally fine and in date so could someone please tell me where i stand on this situation please im at a loss on what to do ?


    Thank You

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