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Posts posted by Anon123456789

  1. Durham CC issued a fine for parking in a Controlled Parking Zone. However, the clearest signage specifically omits Sunday, the day on which the ticket was issued.

    The zone signs start exactly where the single yellow lines start. 


    They say that because there was another, small, sign saying no waiting without a Sunday (or permit) exception that the ticket is correct. They have a photo of this sign, so I don't dispute it's presence - my dispute is that the large, clear sign does not apply to the location it which it is placed. Either CPZ signs are either incorrectly sited or deliberately misleading. (You can just make out the post for the conflicting sign in the 1st photo.)

    The yellow lines at the site are also incomplete and end incorrectly.


    Is there any point challenging further, or do I just need to learn that I can't ever trust CPZ signs to describe when parking is allowed.



    CPZ Sign.jpg

    Bad yellow line end.jpg

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