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Posts posted by Teer

  1. Hello All,


    I had some credit card debts a number of years ago & I was hounded no end from a number of different debt collection agencies from then on as well as their legal & solicitor letters.


    I sought advice from here & other places at the time & as instructed did not respond, contact or acknowledge any of them or nor gave them any information. Over the years, a regular stream of letters & contacts from various DCA's became the norm.


    Much time has now passed & the debts must have become Statue Barred about 2 - 3 years ago & for the last few years I heard nothing from any of the DCA's.


    However, a few months ago, I began to get emails & telephone messages from Capquest asking me to call to discuss "My Account"  or via emails stating that:  "You have a new document available on your Capquest account 01052xxxxxPlease click the below link to login to view your document - Click Here."


    The email account on which they contact me is not one that I ever shared with any financial institution but was tied to my ebay account so I can only assume they must have been doing searches for me as my previous email address proved unsuccessful for them. I also had a change of telephone number but somehow they must have found my new number - both of which I find disturbing.


    I am surprised that they would contact me 2 - 3 years after the Statute Barred Period of 6 years - none of the very many other DCA's have - only CapQuest?


    In view of these recent regular email & telephone message contacts to me by Capquest (none of which to I have ever responded to), I would like to ask if they might have genuine grounds to now chase me after all this time & what they might be up to?


    How should I proceed from here & what actions should I take to ensure they can make no claims against me nor affect my credit rating etc? I do not want to inadvertently fall into any traps they might set up or tactics they might employ to then reinstate the debt etc.


    Thank You








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