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Posts posted by SwimMum

  1. Hi, looking for advice I've discovered this forum.


    Apologies for long post......


    Two weeks ago I was involved in a car accident on a roundabout. I was on my way home after picking my children up from school. I approached in the right hand lane, this lane leads to either the middle lane or the right hand lane of the roundabout. The lane markings on this major roundabout are clearly marked. I travel this route 2 to 3 times a day and as usual went to the middle lane. There were numerous cars on either side of me as we went over the motorway. After the next exit my lane becomes the left hand outside lane - and the roundabout exit lane to the motorway.


    A white car on my right started to indicate then immediately pulled into my lane, there was a sudden bang and the force of the impact knocked my car from the lane. There was damage to the side of my car – driver’s door and side wing, and side trim hanging off. The third party didn’t get out of their vehicle. As I was about to go speak to her, she made no acknowledgement and drove away through the traffic lights - from the left hand outside lane, which is the exit lane only to the motorway, and back around the roundabout to the right.


    The side trim of my car was hanging off and scraping on the road but as I had not even had the opportunity to obtain the third party’s vehicle registration number I had no option but to go after her through red traffic lights. She had then gone through a further set of traffic lights. I caught up with her and signalled to pull over. The driver stated she hadn’t left the scene of the incident (despite driving away not knowing whether or not my car was even driveable, had made no acknowledgement to me, driven through two sets of traffic lights before I was able to catch up to her). As she hadn’t stopped at the scene I called the Police as I had concerns whether she would provide the correct details under the circumstances. I was given an incident number.


    The third party apologised, said she believed the right hand lane she was in merged into the lane I was in. Why did she indicate if these lanes ‘merge’. There was absolutely no reason for her to change lanes, as both lanes lead to the same exit. I told her to go and check the lanes and she would find the lanes do not merge. Third party car had damage to front nearside wing. Can clearly see damage to my car is caused by the front wheel of the third party vehicle from the large round black rubber mark. This shows the third party’s wheels were turned towards my vehicle. This was 100% not my fault and I have told my insurance company I will not accept any liability for this incident.


    The problem is the third party has the same insurance company, at first they seemed helpful and reassuring but the last few times I’ve called for an update they seem to have a different attitude - where’s the proof she went into my lane, where’s the proof she drove away?


    Apparently the third party has not yet responded. The insurance company has suggested it would go split liability if it comes down to my word against hers without any cctv or witnesses. Hopefully the third party will be honest about what happened.


    Any advice would be appreciated.

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