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Posts posted by Nic11

  1. So made a complaint as registered keeper to dvla, and they replied saying they need my number plate to look into it! Very interesting that they can’t locate my number plate from my name and address but yet they can find my name and address when the parking company gave  them my reg plate!! 


    MP reply was also very general, just saying that they recognise the problem and hope the sir Greg Knight bill gets passed- should I expect any more than this? 

  2. I’m sorry I haven’t got round to that yet- life took over and As I hadn’t heard I naively thought they may have dropped it! But my car in having service today so going to spend the day doing those letters- are there any templates? 

    Also I have had my first debt letter and it says if you don’t believe you’re liable to call them, as if I don’t then I am accepting liability. Do I still ignore this?? Many thanks 

  3. Dont worry about that for now. When/IF you get the NTK, come back here and we will advise further



    Finally got the NTK- on day 86! I’ve checked the criteria and it seems to include everything, apart from bring after 56 dats and doesn’t provide any evidence. Neither does it offer a discount for prompt payment.

    What do I do now?


  4. Hi

    I received a Parking Charge Notice on my windscreen on holiday.

    We had purchased a ticket and displayed it correctly, but it was displayed backwards on the dashboard.


    I have a pic of how it was which, along with speaking to the next car, suggests it fell forward with the wind as the door closed. Yes, I know we should have triple checked but getting two young children out of the car and raincoats, bags on a miserable wet day we didn't.


    we now have a £100 charge notice.

    I have read on forums to wait for a Notice to Keeper (the parking company is member of IPC not BPA).


    From my research I think the right thing to do is:

    *Wait for Notice to Keeper, which should arrive by day 56

    *Appeal, but do not disclose the driver

    *Appeal with Independent Agency, as AS parking are likely to deny the appeal


    Have I got this right?

    I do feel quite anxious waiting when I have the ticket to prove I paid so am I better to appeal now?


    IT does clearly state on their signs that ticket has to be displayed correctly, but it isn't a sticky ticket so Im guessing this problem has occurred quite often.


    I have private plates which I need to put back on my car- will this effect the parking companys chance of getting details from DVLA?

    Many thanks inadvance for all your help



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