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Posts posted by cjb21

  1. I don't doubt I could be repaired cheaper insurance estimate £2500 approx. ,

    sorta makes you wonder how or why insurance companys want to just write cars off and impose doubling of excess to stop you using a cheaper repairer

    (well they don't stop you but you'll end up paying 95% yourself)

    all seem to be hidden away in the double dutch terms and conditions ,

    which 100% are not following the insurance regulations, modern day [problem]mers

  2. fault accident , its comprehensive , think I could have explained this better,

    1/ if I use hasting repairer my excess would be £400 but would very likely be written off (not wot I really want )


    2/ I can use my own repairer but then they are telling me my excess will be £800 hmm so I use a cheaper repairer and I get penalised an I missing something so I will end up standing the majority ov the cost ???


    3/ I just pay for repair myself with is basically wot I said in point 2


    4/ so I think maybe I buy car back if wrote off and get it repaired ( they say that's not possible) tho it seems to happen all the time


    5/ so hasting are attempting to steer me into a decision which only benefits themselves they are not covering me there covering themselves

  3. Car repair cost amount to the approx. value of the car,

    your customer service tell me they can send salvage agent to collect ( then they will valve car and negotiate a value)

    how about don't be silly its going nowhere till any payment is agreed and cleared, or


    2/ they can send an independent assessor out and I could then decide how I want to proceed and if he deems car a write off

    it will be categorised whether I claim or not (so your devaluing my vehicle if I don't claim but an assessor come to inspect it ( sounds like a bad joke)


    3/ or I can choose a repairer of my own and my excess will be doubled (so a more reasonable repair shop you will pay less towards repair I will have to pay more


    seems my only option would be buy car back and get it repaired

    (which shouldn't be a problem as its still roadworthy (so local fiat agent tell me)

    seems that's a no go also,


    where does the comprehensive come into it,

    and realistically what can I do,

    because you're not working within the consumer rights as your excess policy is attemption to adversely affect my descision

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