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Posts posted by t1994

  1. Hi All


    I have been accused of shoplifting even tho I made a genuine mistake.


    I was playing around in primark in may and totally didn't acknowledge putting a pair of eyelashes into a bag I had when I was trying on a dress in front of the mirrors (on the shop floor not changing rooms)


    I proceed to pay for around £40 worth of clothing and left the shop.

    upon leaving a security guard came up behind me a demanded me to follow him with no explanation.


    When we was walking to the investigation room I couldn't gather what I had done wrong,

    until we got back to the room and I looked in my Zara bag to see the eyelashes ( still boxed not tampered )


    I apologised to the guard and explained what must have happened,

    he did not even acknowledge that I was speaking to him and demanded my driving license and to complete a form.


    I was left sitting in the room for around 15 mins until the guard returned with my license and handed me a bit of paper and said I will receive a fine in the post ….


    I asked how much and why when it was a mistake and he said I don't know and don't care.

    2 months went by and I heard nothing until


    the other day I received a letter from RLP saying I owe them £95 for losses.


    Can anyone please give me some advice?

    Thank you!

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