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Posts posted by jobbingjogger

  1. With all respect to you, none of your questions will assist you either in the criminal or the civil courts. Focus your energies on (1) fighting any prosecution that might arise and (2) preserving any potential civil claims against either the police or the other party.


    You say you have been re-arrested. Please clarify what for.




  2. Hi there.


    A claim founded on injury to the menisci of the knee is absolutely something you should involve a solicitor for - you may end up looking at an award of damages in the region of £8k to £12k depending on severity and prognosis. It is a very serious injury indeed. Accordingly, the claim will fall to either the fast track or the multi-track, and solicitors costs will be recoverable.


    Any reputable personal injury solicitor would be happy to take this sort of case on - it sounds a strong one from what you have said thus far. Do a Google search for Ward v Tesco Stores Ltd (1976) for the relevant authority on this type of claim.


    As has been mentioned many solicitors will want to take a success fee of up to 25% of damages from you. There are however firms out there that do not charge a success fee, thus entitling your relative to keep all damages.



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