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Posts posted by radicalaspect

  1. I recieved the SAR today and it appears I was wrong, the credit limit of the Capital One card was only £200 and I did not use it much at all so the one with the higher limit must have been another card which I am still waiting for SAR info on.



    According to the SAR info I only ever paid, about £5 in PPI so 8 % of that over 16 years would work out to about £10 in total (Inc the PPI payments I made), does this seem right?



    Thanks for the advice!

  2. In May I sent a letter to capital one complaining about PPI on an old credit card I had with them about 12 years ago. I then sent a SAR to them at the end of May (should have done this first but didn't know).



    I spoke to them on the phone today and they have advised that they have looked at my case and are making me a goodwill gesture of £10. I am not sure what to do at this point as I am sure the card had a limit of several £1000 and at the time I would have used it a lot so I suspect I am just being fobbed off.



    Unfortunately I don't have any documentation on this card but will hopefully get more info when I get the info from my SAR.



    I will recieve a letter from them in the next few days with this offer in writing. I am not sure what to do at this point. Can I ask them to send me a breakdown of how the came to this figure or good will gesture?



    It is obviously not a lot of money so I could also just wait for the sar then refer it on to the FOS if I think they are trying to pull a fast one.



    Ideally would be best to have the SAR before I decide either way so will perhaps try the tactic of asking for a breakdown.



    What would be my best option at this point?

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