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Posts posted by mariesouter

  1. Own thread created


    No such thing as voluntary surrender on bailiff fees

    Thats for vehicle finance and is a rip off anyway,


    incorrect..the people I got this informaition from deal with these every week...online the google options on explaining this refer to hire purchase and car finance but it also deals with other things ... A 'Voluntary Surrender' is you for all intents and purposes giving yourself up to the court to explain why you have not paid your fine. This process will force a 'means test' which will then examine your income & expenditure. A voluntary surrender is done by appointment. It sounds rather scary but I can assure you it is not. Just apologise, and stick to the further payment plan you are entered into.


    After a Voluntary Surrender your fine would be back in the hands of hmcts MINUS any bailiff fees.

  2. I have had the same today and Im dealing with Marston holdings...theyve told me tough pay it all or we are seling your goods.


    I rang them to advise on ESA and asked for an attachment and they refused.

    I missed the previous letter they sent to sort it as I am partially sighted and cant read small writing this is for non payment of a tv licence fine which was 120 but its now 430 ... they are refusing to help me.


    I've been told by a very good source today that if they refuse to help you can ask for a Voluntary surrender which means they have to take it back and do a means test..this will be done by appointment ..


    then you can set up new payment plans WITHOUT the baliff charges.

    If they refuse this THEY CANNOT it is your legal right.


    You can then email their CEO and advise you are being refused a Voluntary surrender which she will quickly rectify.


    You need to contact your local magistrates court and advise you have a removal notice for non payment of tv licence fine and ask for the surrender and they will give you the number to ring.

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