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Posts posted by Gemini69

  1. and of course you recorded that call didn't you!.


    No. there's no way on his phone.

    Unless we buy a dictaphone.

    He has all the calls they made logged. T


    hey won't give us any paperwork or recording of the original cold calls.

    We're going to pay them the 10% we think they're owed for sending the pack off.

    Father in law loaned the money.

    We're also waiting for a letter from them warning us of court action.

    It can't be a warning by text surely!

  2. Hi. Just a quick update.


    Professional reclaim services have not stopped phoning.

    We get a call everyday.


    Latest today is we had a text saying they were starting court proceedings tomorrow.

    Husband phoned to say "why are you not putting this account on hold"?, our case is being looked at by the Legal Ombudsman.


    They said "its gone on too long and you've have had your money, gone out and had a good time with it and now you're not paying us".

    Husband explained we are in debt and it all went on other debts and that we did offer a fee which they refused.

    We have not spent it on holidays and cars.


    They then said they want payment and if we don't have the money sell the car etc.

    Otherwise the bailiffs will come and take stuff.


    Husband said, "do you speak to all your customers like this"?,

    to which they replied

    "you're not customers, you're claimants refusing to pay your bill"!


    We went through it all again, hidden fees, not made clear, no service, to which they said, you have had your money, we gave you a service....

    we agreed they had done that,

    but it was not worth 39% plus VAT.


    We were willing to pay no more than 20% including VAT.

    Long and short is that my husband offered a repayment, but they want us to clear the bill in 6 months, which works out at almost as much as our mortgage.


    Therefore we are going to court!!

    We will have a CCJ against us, bailiffs coming,

    they have the best legal team in the North West apparently,

    so we are going to lose.


    We have no choice as we literally have about £10 left in the bank.

    No money, can't borrow etc.


    I thought that it was the right of the customer to dispute unreasonable fees. I didn't know we had done something illegal!

    That's how the judge will see it, according to professional reclaim anyway.


    Wish us luck x

  3. Thanks.

    I've looked at it all.


    Going cross eyed looking at it.

    I know some of the directors names.

    They are linked to other companies.


    One of them is Harringtons that was dissolved for good Dec last year.

    We've told the legal ombudsman all this.

    They are a vile group of people who set up more than one business back when all the PPI claims started.

    When one company gets dissolved they just carry on under another company.

    Same tactics, same dodgy fees etc.


    The Hub in Bury is where PF have set up their call centre.

    That was Feb or March this year I think.


    A few reviews of their employees are saying they haven't been paid etc. Dodgy company linked to Harringtons I believe.

    There's other companies linked to them too. I can't believe it's legal. They push right up to the boundaries of the law.

  4. That's an idea, thankyou.

    They were all 0161 numbers, or whatever the code is for Manchester.

    I'll get them off his phone tomorrow, there's so many, not sure they'll all fit on here :-)


    It wasn't you I was referring to, but I have read countless forums and that's what you read time and time again.


    There was a post above from mariner51 which got my back up.

    The truth is that most people, my husband and myself included, don't know you can easily claim yourself.


    I said to him that we could look for companies who charge no more than 20% commission.

    I didn't realise we could have done it, it wasn't that we were too lazy to bother.

    Also they cold called and hassled him to send the pack back.


    I feel they prey on people. What gets me is that it's not their money.

    They step in when somebody gets their PPI back and say "we'll have our 30% commission now". What have they done to warrant such high commission?


    There's no written contract, and the terms and conditions aren't explained over the phone, they mention there is a website, but you have to search to find the t & C's.


    He told me after he had sent the pack back and even I couldn't find the fees at first.

    I'm sure there is a loophole for people regarding t & C's.

    They know that most people don't read them properly, which is why the fees must be made clear, preferably where you sign a contract.


    There was no contract in this case, it was a claim pack authorising them to write to the banks. No fees mentioned over the phone and wasn't on the pack where you sign.

    They said it was on the back.


    I looked at a claim pack from the Claims Guys, which also went in the bin as they are [problem]mers, as it was on the back on the bottom in tiny writing.


    These CMC's know what they are doing.

    PF have just opened a call centre called The Hub.

    That's why my husband has suddenly had loads more calls asking him if he is interested in a claim pack!!


    Its infuriating and I am really scared at the thought of the LO saying we have to pay or a court case.


    Most of the money has gone on bills and debts, yes, we are in debt too.

    You couldn't make this up could you!


    I've been sick with worry for the last two weeks, expecting bailiffs at my door.

    I have children, so its quite scary

  5. Thankyou.

    I saw the post after you edited it, thankyou.


    The CMC's are mostly, not all, but most of them are dodgy in my opinion.


    What annoys me is that I threw 2 packs away and my husband threw one, but this company wouldn't let up.

    It was in the run up to Christmas, so I was pre occupied and didn't realise what was going on.


    He had brain surgery and just sent the pack back to shut them up.

    I could kick myself for not throwing that pack away with the rest of them.


    Our landline has TPT is it?

    Unfortunately they called on my husbands mobile, which wasn't covered.

  6. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?486316-486316&p=5112567#post5112567


    Hi Wiltz.

    I am so sorry this happened to your parents, but they're not the only ones.

    I get sick of people telling others who have been spoofed by these companies

    there is nothing they can do and they shouldn't have been so stupid and they have got money for nothing and to do the claim yourself etc.

    Don't listen to them.


    My husband was cold called by this 'company', they sent him 2 packs, one he threw away and another he sent back after the man at PF persuaded him over a lengthy phone call to send the pack back just to see if he was eligible.


    They have made so many calls I lost count, all logged, which is good because we passed it all to the Ministry of Justice.


    He had a brain aneurism 10 years ago, resulting in 2 lots of surgery and a stroke.

    As a result his judgement is impaired and he can't follow conversations very well.


    This company did not explain the pack was a 'contract' and he mumbled the fees over the phone, which my husband thought was what sounded like 9%, but it was 39% plus VAT.


    After I realised what he'd done it was too late to cancel as we had not received any money and the cancellation fee was high. I just hoped nothing would come of it.


    As it was they did not keep him informed and it was about 3 months later that the bank called to get my husband to give loads of info over the phone.


    He did his own claim, something that PF said was too complicated for him to do and that they could chase up all the companies and get him a good deal.


    There was no paperwork to the other banks/cards, so there was no way they could chase it up without.


    We had a letter from the bank saying, yes, he had PPI.

    Nice, but he had done his own claim.


    He had rang PF a few weeks before to see how the claim was going to be told they were busy, so could not chase it up and that they had alot of claims going which was why they had not been in touch! Therefore, due to the crap service and false promises, plus fees hidden in the T & C's we did not think this company had earned the 39% plus VAT.


    Yes, he had a successful claim, but because he actually ended up doing his own claim.

    The bank said all PF had done was sent a letter!


    Another worrying thing was a bank he had not put on the form wrote to say he did not have PPI and that they had a letter.


    After telling the bank my husband had never banked with them, they said it is worrying how much these companies know about people and they had a letter from PF.


    The day after we received notification from the bank that a PPI refund would be paid to us via a cheque PF sent a congrats text and they would send an invoice. Then they rang to ask for payment, before the money was in the bank. They backed off until we said it would be in the bank, then called and text for payment.


    We wrote to their complaints department to offer a reduced fee, to which they refused.

    They have kept ringing up for info he doesnt have regarding other claims. We said forget it.


    We have also had 3 separate calls asking if we want a claim pack!

    The girls today said we were not on her system.


    We have also had a rather aggressive man saying we would have the bailiffs at the door and they were going to add interest to what we already 'owe', even though we said we have passed the case on to the Legal Ombudsman.


    It's a nightmare. Loads of calls from different numbers, threatening calls and they will not listen.


    I would suggest you phone the Legal Ombudsman and put in a complaint.

    The LO told us they had a backlog, so loads of people are complaining about CMC's.


    Phone the LO, the more people who complain, the sooner this company can be dealt with, like they dealt with Harringtons.


    I also heard the two companies are linked.

    The addresses are both in Bury and they use the same scare tactics etc.


    Look on the Ministry of Justice website under regulations for CMC's.

    This company have broken several terms, cold calling is only one of them.

    Good luck, don't give up without a fight.


    They do not earn their 39%, the fee's are unreasonable for what they do, which is send a letter, sit back, let you do all the work, then they ring for payment. I see them as criminal gangs, not companies.


    And no, Professional Reclaims services sent no breakdown of their fees, there was no contract and by the time we realised this company stinks, it was too late to cancel, which you have to do by letter.


    On their T & C's online they say the pack is the contract and even if you agree over the phone that becomes a contract.


    We have complained to them, they left it 8 weeks to reply with a final response as required by law. Now we are taking it further and expect to go to court.


    We have offered a reasonable fee, but no, they want full payment over the phone, which I would never do, it would be a cheque.

    Are they actually going to pay the VAT?


    Happy days, not!

    We have also asked for a phone transcript and asked how much their interest was going to be on top, to which the man replied that he didn't know and again asked for full payment over the phone.


    We are up to 2 to 3 calls a day, all different numbers and when you answer, the phone goes dead!


    Very bad experience.

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