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Posts posted by irish_essex0202

  1. CCA request has failed to get me the full agreement but based upon the documents (faxed copies) provided there is some sort of insurance included.

    interestingly this was required at the time otherwise WF wouldn't have been able to offer me the credit.

    This I do recall as I worked in (and still do) the insurance industry.


    The statements, well the version issued to me, is not correct and it was only after receiving them tail end of 2017 that I had to start investigating copious amount of spurious charges. I've formally requested on numerous occasions but have yet to receive what I require - either originally from WF, or Cabot or their solicitor.

  2. thank you - wasn't aware of that, thought if an account was in dispute it couldn't be purchased.


    Are you referring to PPI ?

    As a consequence of this claim defence I hadn't pursued that avenue


    Thanks again for the input dx100uk, it's appreciated.


    Out of interest, what is the cost of amending the particulars of a claim for a claimant and and the cost of lifting a stay ?


    Having investigated it seems to be something like 100 - 255 for each, is that right?

  3. Thanks.

    The formal CCA was sent last week as my previous request wasn't correctly worded - the documents received were from the garage and included no T&C's, no statement, no clarification as to how the o/s balance was derived - copious fees and capitalisation .... and the account in dispute. All put in my defence.


    No to CPR 31.14 as some information already provided on request but as account was already in dispute with WF it should not have been assigned to Cabot

  4. Evening, I am seeking some thoughts from more learned individuals.


    I received a Claim Form end of Dec 2017 for an old WF debt and subsequently entered my defence on MCOL. This was on the 5 January.


    Since then I have received nothing further to my formal requests for additional information surrounding claim aside from two chaser letters from Cabot's solicitors detailing their 'client wish to settle out of court' and then '14 days to negotiate settlement otherwise instructions from Cabot to lift stay'.


    Called the court today and was advised that Cabot / their solicitors had attempted to amend the particulars of the claims on the 11 February but this was denied as they did not pay the fee. Their last letter to me dated 5 March is as above on the 14 days.


    I'm tempted to actually have the claim struck out as the claim remains stayed open ended.


    Has this happened to anyone before ?



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