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Posts posted by daisyblue6

  1. Hello and welcome to CAG.


    Sadly, your son shouldn't have ignored the letter, but it is what it is. There may or may not be something he can do about not receiving letters, others will advise.


    Who are the debt company please?


    Best, HB


    They are London collections and compliance


    yes took me a while to find it :lol:

    but I remembered it happening

    and it surprised me too.

    could well be worth a bash


    Thank you


    I doubt you were directed to a debt collection company

    more likely a bailiff?

    can you name them please?


    sadly I also feel yes he does now have a criminal record.


    London collections and compliance centre


    In addition to the above, probably very good advice, it is probably worth pointing out to your son that he needs to take a lot of care about making sure that his mail is properly received, properly opened and properly read – especially as he is somebody who may be moving from address to address.


    We get a lot of problems here because people don't update creditors or anyone else with their old addresses. This opens the door to all sorts of proceedings and default judgements and damage to credit files et cetera which could often easily have been avoided if they had been dealt with promptly.


    I know that it seems that you come onto this forum and simply received unhelpful advice – but in the long term, this is probably the best way to go.


    Thank you, good advice


    Very distressing situation -I'm sorry.


    Unfortunately I fear you may be confused about the contents of the original letter from TFL (but I may be wrong).

    Rather than asking if he "wanted to appeal and if he did not to ignore the letter" I suspect it was simply asking him for his version of events, otherwise they would consider prosecution.


    If he'd replied with a grovelling apology, an explanation of the "mistake" he had made and offering to pay reasonable admin costs plus the original fare, that may have worked - even if he knew he had done wrong.


    I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean about the bedsit and mail that you sent him.

    What address did he give when caught by TFL?


    I don't know how to advise now with an attachment of earnings order.

    Others here will be able to advise better.


    He was living in a bed sit in a shared house, he moved from this address in December and they said that they had sent the letter to him at this address in November.

    I also had previously sent mail to him at this address that he never received

  2. my son used his girlfriends student oyster card and was caught. He received a letter asking him if he wanted to appeal and if he did not to ignore the letter so he ignored the letter as knew he had done wrong.

    he did not hear from them again for around 6 months, and moved house in December.


    this month he had an attachment of earnings and £390 taken out of his wages.

    When querying this he was directed to a debt company who said that TFL had written to his old address in November (when he still lived there) to say they were taking him to court.


    He lived in a bedsit and often did not receive mail that I sent him.

    they say he owes nearly £500 and will take the rest from next months wages.


    He has always been happy to pay the fine, but has never been contacted about it by email or phone, and has only their word that they sent a letter.


    He also does not know if he now has a criminal record.

    We don`t know where to go or what to do next-can anyone help please?

    thanks very much

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