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Posts posted by Ivy46

  1. Thomos

    yes I gave them my address.


    I actually thought I might dodge an RLP letter because when i checked the ban letter they issued me the security guard had spelled my address completely wrong and I'm not sure but I think in my panic and shock I may have given them the postcode for my previous address (postcode wasn't written on he letter, just my street name) which I moved from a couple months ago. So I don't know if they googled it.

  2. So I guess I'm better off ignoring them.


    On the off chance Boots did take me to court (over £3 worth of stuff though, I know it's not likely)

    I guess I can explain my physical and mental health conditions to an actual judge rather than a company of bullies who have no right billing me or demanding personal information.


    A question about RLP in general..

    .do they operate on a no win no fee basis?

    Because it seems to me a lot of people don't pay up so if the stores were paying them regularly they'd actually be losing money.


    I don't even understand why the stores use these companies.

    I agree shoplifting is wrong but this is not the way it should be dealt with

    - if Boots wanted to take legal action against me they could have called the police but they actively cancelled the call.

    RLP have no place in the justice system; it annoys me so much.

  3. Thanks for your reply Silverfox.


    I know realistically they can't do anything except recommend Boots sue me and that it isn't very likely.


    However if I could maybe make them leave me alone that would be a great weight off my shoulders.


    Do you think there's actually much chance they would take my circumstances into account and leave me alone or are they more likely to

    a) cause me further stress by demanding proof of said conditions or

    b) Continue harassing me anyway

  4. Sorry I know there are so many of these floating around! I've read through a lot of them but am still not sure what to do in my specific situation.


    A week ago I was caught taking around £3 of food items from Boots.

    I was stopped by security and went willingly back in the store with them.

    The items were recovered undamaged.


    I was co-operative and willingly let them look through my bags to show there was nothing else.

    They had originally called the police but cancelled it when they realized the items were of low value.

    I was in there about ten minutes,

    they issued me with a ban then let me go.


    I have since received a letter from RLP saying they are entitled to claim costs blah blah blah and if I wish to defend myself I should respond within 21 days.


    My Mum thinks I should respond as I am type one diabetic and pregnant and have been suffering from severe hypoglycaemia.

    This obviously affects my physical and mental wellbeing

    - when sugars are constantly low the brain is deprived of oxygen.


    I also suffer from extreme anxiety which is even worse atm as I lost my last pregnancy.

    (I know this doesn't make it right what I did)


    However I know replying would be admitting liability.

    But I guess they know I'm liable, they'll have it on CCTV.


    My dilemma is do I reply with my defence or should I ignore it?


    Would they actually have much of a case against me and are they likely to take it to court over such a small amount?


    Also...if they pass my details onto a debt collector could that affect me getting a mortgage?


    Also wanted to add..

    .I know the usual advice is to ignore.

    But I read another thread in which is a person with mental disabilities explained his circumstances to RLP and they did not take any further action.


    Would it possibly be in my better interests to do this?

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