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Roll Blunt

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Posts posted by Roll Blunt



    Do you hold Financial Power of Attorney for your mother?


    She used to live in in Bucks. Does she still own the house there (if she ever owned it that is, or was she responsible for Council Tax as a tenant?) Does she have ongoing responsibility for paying CT anywhere?



    To Question 1 : No I dont Cut a long story short a nother family member , Isolated her and made the relevant authorities believed it was only the 2 of them .. Only reason I found out was I turned up out of the blue and walked in on a meeting with Social services . By then it was too late .


    She still owns her house and the council know where she is ..As for responsibility for paying , She has none and even if she did would have no concept of what it was ...

  2. In 2014 after that fiasco all we were informed arrears were cleared

    ( All arrears had to be cleared before partner was released ).


    2018 they're demanding we pay 2013-14 again..


    Council are refusing to acknowledge any form of mistake or listen to any form of reason .


    Just need a few pointers putting a letter together.

  3. January 2014 , was eventful ,


    Had an early morning call from 2 from rundels (?) .


    Asking for my other half regards Council tax (Unknown luggage from a previous)..


    They claimed to have a warrant of Committal to Prison, which I asked to see, ,

    They refused ,

    I Laughed at them as I only believed the police had the power to arrest .

    Asked when issued and was told a court date we were not informed about..


    Cut a long story short

    THEY ended up calling the police,


    She was taken and then transferred at the first op to a local prison.


    Everyone pulled together and got the debt paid completely...


    Fast Forward same time of year she gets a letter From a firm called Dukes demanding payment for year 2013 -14 .


    Council refuse to listen,

    even though she's disputed it has paid £40 monthly as she said she would to them .


    Can anyone help drafting a letter to both to get them to back it up.


    After they way they took pleasure in watching me be able to do nothing

    I made myself and her a promise there will be no next time . Period.


    Thats what worries the other half..

    Last years bill was paid in full..


    Thanks in advance to All replies

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