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Posts posted by Sisi1980

  1. Hello

    This is my first post.


    I have been in tesco shop in the morning.

    Apologies for any spelling mistaces as Im not orginally english.


    Back to the store

    I know I shouldnt and I dont know why I did it

    maybe because someone told me its easy


    I took without paying makup worth £7

    I have some other shopping which I paid for


    I went to exit and security stopped me

    He said I have seen you on cctv and you shoplifted makeup and hid it in your hand


    Oh my God I have been shocked

    I straight away told that I did and I give him it


    I told that Im really sorry amd it wont happend again it was a mistake.

    he told me to come with him to the back for a chat


    he asked for any staff women working at tesco.

    He put me with that lady in room


    asked me why I have done it

    I have say that I dont really know

    that I can pay for it that I have money to pay.


    He only said that they have policy asking me for id

    I give him

    He was outside the room making some notes from my id


    came back and told me that Im banned for life to shop in tesco in this one

    and there will be a letter coming to me about civil...


    this is the point I dont known what he says.

    And he give me back my id

    and been told that I have to leave store asap and not allowed to come back.


    I need advice

    I know I have done wrong

    But it was first and last time I did it


    is there is any thing I can received from third party or any court case.


    I havent sign anything

    they didint give me nothing to sign Is it normal?


    How do they will recognise me in two months from now on when even havent take picture amd copy of my id.


    Should I write a letter to the store manager explaining situation

    make apologies


    Im a really good customer of this shop as doing shopping there regularly.

    Any advice

    please help.

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