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Posts posted by toregina

  1. Hi there, I'm sorry to try to open an old thread but I am having the exact same issue. I have never claimed anything back before but am hoping to do so from The Car People. Could anyone tell me the address to send my letter into? I bought my Car from the Doncaster store in 2015 and was also told that the credit would only go though if I took out all these insurances; GAP £449.00 Warranty £599.00 'Other' £299.00. I would like my insurances cancelling and refunding if possible as I do not want or need them. I would like to know the address if anyone has it please?

    Kind regards, Toregina


    Also I have no idea what the 'Other' is. Literally they printed the forms, told me I was lucky to get this deal as I had less than perfect credit and that was that. Only now since calling Black Horse do I realise I did not need to take out these insurances at all. Do the salesmen get a commission from this? Why would they pile all this onto me knowing I was stretching my finances so much in the first place? My interest rate is 13.0% and over 60 months so I am just about half way through at the moment. I am trying to send the car back through voluntary termination but Black Horse are saying although I have paid more than 50% and am within my rights to give it back, there is still over £1k left of insurances and that needs to be cleared on the day I give up the car? I honestly don't know what to do as I am actually suffering financial hardship and I have 3 children to support alone. They did say I could take out a repayment plan but would be given a default on my credit file which I am desperately working on getting clear at the moment. But why should I pay something that I believe was mis sold to me? Anyone that could advise me please do so I would be more than grateful.


    Sorry interest rate is 13.9%

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