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Posts posted by Kanna47

  1. Hi all new to Forum! Looking for advice regarding my rights repair or replace parts? 7 weeks ago rear ended by another car. I was stationary in my Vw T5! Totally knackered bumper a bent bottom of rear doors out of alignment meaning doors will not close. Phoned insurance said I could take to my own garage for quote! new bumper NEW DOORS insurance phoned me few weeks later there engineers said that I'm liable to pay difference between my garage quote and there approved repairers labour costs which is about £365. Ok I'm not paying that for non fault accident! so took it to there approved repairers they said new bumper AND NEW DOORS! Because doors are out of alignment can't guarantee the doors will line up! I've just found out this week from approved repairers the work can go ahead but they have been instructed by insurance engineer to only repair the doors! I'm really not happy with that! I'm a non fault driver who's claiming off his own insurance because third party insurance is based in Romania can take upto 90 days to admit liability! Do I have the right to ask for new doors? Thanks in advance

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